Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz>Cyro>Kino3>Necro2 = Viable in PvP and GvG?

Im current at Kino 2 but the thing is, does kino and necro have some synergy as well?

The few people who frequent this board will likely tell you the following things:

  1. Kino 3 is great in PvP in general, so you will be effective

  2. But Necro has problems in PvP, and Warlock is the better choice

I say this because I have had some discussion regarding a similar build, and have met these responses. The given reasons being that Flesh Cannon is difficult to land in PvP, and the burst damage from Warlock far outstripes what a Necro can put out.

That being said, there is some synergy between holding people in CC and having minions attack them. Necro has also gotten some buffs recently. Furthermore, I think there is some utility to Necro that is difficult to quantify and may be a great boon to a PvP team: (1) you bring [Decay] which can greatly buff the damage of any friendly archers, (2) your minions can harass enemy spell casters to cancel / delay casts, (3) you can block terrain with dirty pole. I’m especially intersted in [Decay] – with a combo like Shoggoth > Gravity Pole you will be doing strong damage to a group, while CC’ing them, weakening them to physical attacks and doubling archer damage to them. How can that not be good?

I’m not convinced that anyone I’ve talked to on the forums here has enough experience to make an educated conclusion regarding these classes - so the best I can say is to try it out yourself if you like the feel of Necro.

The cookie-cutter for a PvP kino would be Wiz 3 > Kino 3 > Warlock or Wiz > Cryo 3 > Kino 3, as far as I can tell.

I am currently aiming for Wiz 3 > Kino 3 > Necro 1 (though I may change my mind on the R7 before the end, still looking at WL and Featherfoot)

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  • Your build will work, raise + pole is enough and the rest are just overkill. You’ll lose to any cryo3 base though if it’s a no dispeller match. Cryo3 + minion setups will be your greatest weakness since you’re a kino3 without wiz3.


  • raise + magnetic force to stack them then flesh cannon to wipe and you’ll also have gravity pole. Cryo doesn’t matter much because 99% are on dispellers.

Overall, it’s a fine build but over reliant on raise / gravity pole. Minion based classes requires reliable CC to make your enemies stop so that your minions will hit them (which cryo3 can provide, cryo1 won’t be enough since you’ll only have ice bolt which will be nerfed later on for TBL) and kino3 is known for their high cooldowns. It will work so go for it if you want to be different.

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Thanks to both of you. It really was informative, anyway, i mainly chose cyro because of IC + PP combo. I probably wont 1v1 a wiz, I get annoyed if I got disabled hahaha! I mainly look forward in group battles it looks more exciting than proving yourself in others LOL!

Oh btw is it ok to have 150-200con before I switch in Int? Would it affect my character(overall)?

Featherfoot has better Decay spells than Necro does.

There’s also the problem gathering corpses- how are you going do that in Battle League?

Advantage and Disadvantage of Necro 1 and Warlock?

My build is wiz 3 psy 3 rank 7?