Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz class path need opinions

I’m about to become Rank5 and already Cryo 3…
I don’t know if i should be Elementalist or Rune Caster

Wiz - Cryo - Kino - Cryo2 - Cryo3 - Ele - Featherfoot
Wiz - Cryo - Kino - Cryo2 - Cryo3 - Rune Caster - Featherfoot

Need your opinions!!

kek alot of waste going on
ele1 useless
kino u might want 2/3
FF w/o link is uselss

wiz cyro3 kino2 rune
wiz cyro3 kino3
wiz pyro2 linker2/3 sorc1 FF, or take out sorc for pyro3

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Most runecasters I know regret the decision. The cast times are just way too long, makes the class very boring to play. If you want to go boring go chrono 3, at least the entire server will love you. Featherfoot and Ele 1 are also pretty weak, party wise.

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Well what i was thinkingbecause rank 8- 10 is getting patched soon… soooo… i can reach ele 2 and become FF…

Ele2 also isn’t good, especially without Wiz3. Ele’s a C3 or C0 class.

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I guess back to the drawing board