Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz - Actual meta

Well, I’m always theorycrafting about what build will mostly suit me, and then I’ve came to a conclusion, most of players might already have noticed that, but I’ve never seem this being dicussed.

So, if you are not on the present meta, you’re left behind, people won’t accept you in parties or whatsoever…

The only possible builds for wiz in the current game are:
cryo/chrono or chrono/link

truth’s been told

Cryo chrono sage is the most viable build for wizard

are you for real ? ill take this as sarcasm nice try. Dont spread misinformation that elememe is still the best dps. There is no dps wiz. They are made for support in the rank 8 meta. Not sure if imc will fuck them up again in rank 9 but we dont know yet. kakaka

Truth. You can still quest using non meta wizard if you have friends or guild but I doubt you’ll find et party. If you have no friends or guild. GG

rank 8 meta wizard is about pryo supporting SR with link nerco and sorc. :hugging:.

And the usual time lord

1 circle in every class.

There are people stuck in old age looking for elememe “ONLY” for low ET floors, this confuses a lot of people, newbies specially.

Chrono or gtfo

Which is stupid lol. There are lots of flaws in elementalist and warlock. The most obvious flaw is the lack of anti air.

All dps wizards must be able to break the mdef threshold. Pyro does a better job than elementalist at the moment though. Even reworked warlock is still trash. People thought mastema would be the 20 second version of fc and then they got IMC’ed. kakaka

Chrono or gtfo ppl.

I don’t understand the purpose of Sorc C1 in that build. Cat buffs?

There was a video about a super wizard credit card whale warrior that clear 40f with krivis in ktos thread but it was buried so I cant post it here. Maybe thats what @unicorntheshiny is talking about. His build was Wizard 3- pyro 3- sorc- necro.

Summoning @greyhiem. Need video of that korean. It was buried in the ktos thread.

I wouldnt really suggest it. Wizard DPS in general at the moment is not reliable.

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Yeah I saw that. The pyro was doing 40k fireballs or something. Thing is, he didn’t even have a summon out. So I’m questioning the value of the Sorc circle in that build. Right now it just seems like a mistake that the person went along with. I don’t think cat buffs are worth more than Enchant Lightning (with a Cryo), an extra Missile Hole & Micro Dimension, or an extra circle of Linker.

That’s the problem I’m worrying what IMC is doing,
they already implement OP base damage like Stage 10 Transcendent weapon, together with x8 chappariton cards with meltis,
additional with OP % Agny Necklace, and multiply it on 100% Fireballs Attribute will really resulted 40k fireballs per hit.
This result is very broken, I wonder which talent of the IMC designer came out with such brilliant idea.

I’d actually call Pyro a fake meta with game broken item, as of current DPS meta, there is none Tier S in current wizard tree (if you not consider Pyro)
A well geared Elementalist3/Warlock2 would still in Tier A

Cat buff regen sp for krivis. It’s the best way to maintain krivis without whaling 50% pots.

He holded out on a 3-4min meltis


Correct. The ultimate support dps.

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Wizard point of view:

Her build:

This wizard took sorcerer to get cat servant buff (+SP recovery for krivis teammember).
And necro for decay pole (missile bonus damage for reiter teammember).
Rely on pyro to deal damage.

Reiter point of view:

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