Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz 3 , Ele 3 . RC . What is the Next Class for Rank 8?

i think not many , but still got some of player are like me that after Become a Rune Caster only find out Rune of Ice not effect on Ele skill , but still play till the max, try to fround love in it.
but now it come to Rank 8.

i’m Already ask n make sure that Sage SKill ,can’t Duplicate Ele skill as well.

so other then Sage ,what can we Choose?

For all Ele.Rune . let discuss about this here!

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LOL. so want to Beg together?

Enchanter can boost your electrocute… also scrolls u can craft to use, like pole of agony, joint penalty etc…I think is a good class to chose in your build, try to find more details about it :smile:

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yes that is what i’m thinking as well,
but need more info.
and still hope can get others class comment?

sage isnt really that bad… always good to have a few more offensive skills, and that missile shield seems very usefull… also we dont know what to expect for c2 and c3, might be good…

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Hey, I’m wiz3>ele3>rc.

Welp, it is a tough decision but I’m not sure if I’m going for Sage because of its skills Missile Hole and Blink.

And Warlock class still a good choice even without c2. (btw the new Mastema’s attribute is really good).

I’m 50/50 between Sage and Warlock1.

but mastema’s new dot atribute needs c2 to use =x

Why ppl still think elemental damage only boosts damage of same element skills? :sweat:[quote=“DacreFullbuster, post:4, topic:325564”]
also scrolls u can craft to use, like pole of agony, joint penalty etc…I think is a good class to chose in your build

How can he craft PoA and JP while not having Linker and WL in his build?

You can still use Rune of Destruction, Justice and Giants. They are all pretty good.

TBH all Wiz builds are kind of underwhelming at R8.

If you don’t want Enchanter, Sage or WL, you could pick Linker. JP makes Electrocute a lot stronger, besides it also multiplies damage of all other AoE skills (we had it nerfed since release, but after the “KR merge”, they unnerfed that).

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But i think you need to have the skill to make them… I think the only think he could make is magic missle. Also that lightning skill is like enchant fire i think… boost every attack and not only electrocute?

Sage seems like a good choice to me. Increase the size of your aoes. you are ele3, arent deployment aoes your thing? Missle hole looks good too.

1st of all i didnt say , that electrocute was the only skill you could boost, second you dont need to have the class to craft the scroll dude, dont be a fool :grin:

Just like you dont need paladin3 to make barrier scrolls? Why single out electrocute then? If im wrong about the paladin thing then my bad. i always thought you needed it.

You are not.

His dodge answer is one of the worst i’ve seen here.

  • IMO, Sage or Warlock is the most viable option by now.
  • Enchanter doesn’t have any skill that could help on pve/pvp on our build.
  • And linker… Well, its an utility class that won’t never get behind but our build path is to burst damage on people from far away.

Therefore, Sage is a great choice for pvp gameplay. And Wl1 for pve/pvp to help on dps.

thanks runecaster.

mind to share ur ideas of how the Ele.Rune go with Sage?

because before this i was thinking that the Sage skill
Micro Dimension can Duplicate Frost Cloud too ,or Hail Skill

but after asking , it can’t .

other Skill of Sage make Ele.Rune Stronger?

this is the Ktos that Ele.WL player share after he change to Sage.
it didn’t have any effect.

For pvp reasons>

Missile Hole: our class doesn’t have any survivability and this will be the main reason for going Sage. It nice against [sneaky] archers and magic damage.

Blink: This skill can avoid outplays and incoming damage. Examples: Frost Pillar, Raise, Magnetic force, Rush, Meteor and runes, etc.

Micro Dimension: Useless!! But it can help diev and sapper to build defenses/offenses.

Ultimate Dimension: Nice damage and has an attribute that can make your enemies can’t distinguish friend or foe. Its means that the person is affect by confusion will make your allies as an enemy.

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thanks , i’m also thinking of that, because Ele3 if hard to kill Flying Monster, can but Slow not as fast as we kill using Forst , if Sage can against Archer n magic damage even for dungeon monster.

Waiting for some times , no more comments?

Recently saw Enchanter not bad, but it mix with Inquisitor Skill "Strom Calling "
Upon explosion, this talisman deals damage then calls a storm that increases lightning damage (500%)
and Enchant Lightning Buffs allies to increase their Lightning Property Damage Lightning Damage: (Skill Lv x 100) -> Lv5: 500.

very High Dmg.!

dont know if Ele Rain Strom +35% + Enchant Lightning good or not…?
any one know?

I think it only will increase ur lightning property damage if u use a lightning property attack - those both are not the same, lightning property damage affect ALL ur skill dmg and increase it by a fix amount and even ur auto attacks will get that increase.