Tree of Savior Forum

With so many ex-RO players, who are older now, won't ToS become a cash cow?

It’s still the worst p2w option, there’s a lot of mmorpg that don’t use it and i hope ToS will not too, having money in a game like this mean you can buy best in slot with your real money meaning it’s P2W cause you will be able to be stronger than a player that don’t pay and it’s not a little faster like with exp pots or drop pots, i’m talking about weeks or month faster.

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P2W for me is selling MVP cards and rare items in game specially those in RO which your weapon wont break upon upgrading etc.

If all of the cash shop items will be account bound then non of the players who’s still studying and don’t have that much money wont be able to gain those cosmetics and exp boosters etc.

A balance cash shop is supposed to be obtainable to non loaders let it through quest or buying it to another player.

Supply and demand just like in real life the developers wont earn money if they do it all account bound.

People can live without lust and hunger? you could eat tomorrow. Fear is a different thing, it activates your hippocampus without any control is like auto-pilot with an script written by a monkey.

But hope keep you alive until you die, doing chemical changes on your brain in order to survive unless you suffer a desease/brain damage/psychiatric disorder or illness.

Fear is as trained as many other things.

CHildren dont fear much, they touch sharp things. They grab the cats tail.
The put their hands on a stove.

Fear is something that is trained trough experience and communication.

“These Spiders are dangerous! I hate them!”

Ohh … mother must be right.
Everyone else is saying it too.

Hunger, Breathing, Reproduction (aka Lust) is driven purely by the body. Not your mind.
You will grow hungry, even as a blank state child. Crying, just crying because something is telling you too get attention of these big things around you.
Breathing, you can stop it. But even if you try to stop yourself from breathing, your body will force you to breath.
Main reason people drown. If they wouldn’t breath in the water, they would have enough oxygen left in their lungs for a tad bit more time.

And Lust. I don’t need to get into that. Puberty, Hormons and experience and influence. It’s a mix but ultimately a drive by your subconciousness.

Just as some food toughts for mr banana.

Isn’t that literally pay to win?

Instead of wasting time questing for an item you like, you can just drop $5.00 and the quest is automatically done for you.

Put a kid in a jungle (with strange sounds) at night and lets see if he don’t activate his hippocampus… even if he totally ignores what a jungle and night is. Fear is in our genes (took about millions of years of evolution to program that on our brains) and it is activated automatically when we perceive danger even if you don’t why.

The body send you signals but your mind can decide when to eat and breed. Breathing is controlled in a deep manner (like heart beating) then you cant compare it with hunger or breed.

Crying is another survival script made by many years of development.

I will put it simple but is more complex, we don’t know yet all about our brains. So we can link chemicals to our actions, emotions, feelings, etc… So, hope is linked to dopamine (and other chemicals) also on insects you can find it on many insects if not all (jewel wasps, ants, bees, etc…). Low dopamine production is also linked with depression and go on.

Dopamine (and other related chemicals) ALWAYS keep you moving and alive wich is important and fear chemicals (adrenaline and others) keep you alive when you perceive danger.

I don’t know much about greed, but i think is more about the experience and subconcious just a bit.

ToS has a strong specific form for the cash shop, somethings in terms of like Maplestory Which had a hard focus on customization and aesthetics, rather than items to make it pay to win. GE as a long standing player was always, easily handed to players who could afford large sums of money towards it, since the beginning introducing characters which required cash shop and real life money to obtain. IMC should have learned ToS can grow and gain a lot of money even without the need for pay 2 win tactics. I my self would happily support the cash shop for cosmetic items, if they decide to keep moving forward in the method that they are and serious players stick with it i don’t see the cash shop becoming a problem.

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i think fear =/= survival instinct.
Fear is a trained response, survival instinct is a involuntary response.
Crying is a tool and a primal mechanich. You cry if gets hurt, but only if you want the attention from the others. You can cry for diferents responses… anger, joy, pain,… its an onverloaded function to express your feelings, or like i said, to get some attention…
Lust n greed, are social effects but they transmit some needs… indeed you can control and hold on thoose.
Im not trying to be the smartest or the right on, just writting what i think. If im wrong pm please.
But guys… this little chat is too far away from this topic …

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I should change the topic title to “Lets discuss about the 7 sins in life” lol…

Anyway, pretty sure the p2w aspect in the game will be kept to a minimal. Main thing will depend on whether cash shop cosmetics are account bound or not :open_mouth:
Either give the non-spending community access to cosmetics and let the contributors reap in silver or restrict that. They would probably not let cosmetics be account bound… cause that would cap the money the company can make significantly.


Lol it will not be p2w game all you have is cosmetic items to make your avatar cute or exp boosters

I don’t mind giving money to Tree of Savior if the cash shop makes this a better game. I don’t want an obvious P2W model, but if the game becomes better by supporting TOS - I am all for this game!

I hope ToS will only stick with cosmetics, I don’t mind exp potions but as long as it doesn’t give you a high exp rate.

EXP boosters is good it keeps the game alive along with cosmetics what I don’t want to have in the cash shop is OP potions or premium potions that will give you stat bonuses etc.

My main money will go out to whatever cosmetics are introduced and EXP boosts (if those are introduced) or a VIP system (if that’s introduced) all of those being common things among the MMORPG market. IMCGames already stated a while back in their blogs that they are looking into non-pay-to-win aspects.

Again you and the NEET thing, every thread spamming the same, sad :sweat_smile:

No doubt, I’ll be spending in the Cash Shop. I just hope the items in there will be fair, which I assume they will be.

P2W models are just a killer for me…it doesnt matter how well made and pretty the game is, if it’s P2W I’m off.
That being said, I hope ToS doesnt fall into this category…I can pay for cosmetics or even for faster leveling, but when you pay for unfair, other way, unachievable advantage then it’s a “no-no”.

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Like the holy sword of Bucks?

I once have seen an holy sword of bucks.
Each hit spent 5 bucks.
And would instant kill someone …

Do you know “ogame”?
Started out as campus project browsergame for fun.
Became one of the worst pay to win games. With user counts getting lower and lower … and lower.

But why do the “owner” (after the maker sold it off). Is still going the same route, even after user counts are crumbling?
Monday, a new server started off. Like each month ot two.
I checked in just to laugh.
Normal people and small time payer, where at 7~12 points. (1p=1000 ressources owned)
A few people had 100+. One even 700+ at roughly 1 hour after start …

Just saying.
Ressource booster.
Building que booster.
Buy missing ressources for building.
-spam money to build stuff extremly fast with 5 times build rate.

They litteraly have 30 or so people. Competing with their wallets …

And this all started as “Premium Option for more Mails and a 3 slot que for buildings= for 3 bucks a month.”, so they could afford the servers without adds (which get turned off after premium was added).
Now it’s “Whalegame” … see who’s got the bigger wallet in less then 3 months!

As long as any people are there for the whales to humor. These whales will pay.

Don’t pay for inbalanced stuff= it wont make them money= they need to thing of something else.
If you pay for something imbalanced.
(Premium was fine. Then they added 3 comamnders( from 3 bucks to 40 bucks a month for the full experience of stoflromping others), more ships ques, faster mining etc. Then black marekt… then pay your moon. Then … the most fun… instant buy defense. Scouting? haha … you come with 3 mio worth of fleet against an easy def. Enemy see’s you and build 2 second sbefore your arrival … 5mio worth of defense. Which would take weeks, in a single second. And 30 or so euro?)

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Didn’t understand a thing bro lol.

All i understand was the game is p2w that there was a option for faster exp yadayada the 1st hr there were already lvl 700+.

That’s is a browser game this is a mmorpg even with exp boosters you will need a lot of time to levelup faster or you need to party and play with friends.

Just as a point.
Games change over time.
And nice game without pay to win. Can become a ■■■■■■ up “whales” game.

Where money rivals everything.
And non heavy payers arent even a ant against the payers.

I dont think ToS will end like this … but only time will tell.
Still hope for some convience items…