Tree of Savior Forum

With a heavy heart, I have returned my founder's pack for a refund

All I see is a dude who did ZERO research into the game before making a purchase and now he is blogging about it.

Not to say some points are not valid but I am 99% sure there are about a dozen threads right now talking about these things and his blog post isn’t anything new.

As much as I, too, don’t like the atmosphere of forums and sub reddits and the like when players get salty and toxic. It’s what motivates change. You’d be surprised how much these kinds of things make a difference. I know firsthand that these posts are read by the company, and feedback is aggregated and reported to the higher ups. The more posts there are, and the more people giving voice to the issues, definitely factors into their perception of how big a problem is.


And we’ll have another dozen if necessary. The louder we scream, the better IMC will hear us.

You’re partly right, here. I didn’t do enough research before buying the game perhaps. I had played the beta and figured the game would be the same as what I had played months ago. Thankfully I knew enough to not open my founder’s pack until the lag was gone. And I did research into what a token was but the FAQ I read that was official (though I guess a bit dated) had said nothing about trade restrictions. The research I’ve done since then, which was done widely because of how unplayable the game is at the moment, is what lead to this decision.

So yeah, I’m making yet another post about this, because it’s important to me. And making more posts is how this will get resolved.


Funny. If you want to go number-game, i would suggest this, and not plagueing forum with same sh*t 24/7.

I 100% agree with this post. The huge limitations on trading/team-sharing items is incredibly messed up. It’s archaic! They made RO, which had Kafra Storage, which was amazing; that was my first experience with being able to share money and items between my characters more easily than sending mail out whenever I wanted to do so. Why didn’t they just keep a system like that? It doesn’t seem to make any sense–it seems like IMC is eliminating one of the most important aspects of MMOs, especially nowadays.


Already signed, but it’s not enough. Do you really thing just one simple petition would be enough?
I know this sounds like a lot of kids bitching, but i know you realize how serious this problem is. But we need to show that are players, A LOT OF PLAYERS, who are not satisfied with the current trading system. Don’t you think this makes sense, even though it’s inconvenient as ■■■■? It is, but it’s also necessary, and i know you get that.

I completely agree with the OP, and not to mention the less exp in dungeons if you have a premade party (friends). This game is totally anti social, and I like to play with my friends.

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So you don’t believe that massive (kind of) petition is enough, but copy-paste forum threads is the good sh*t?

I believe both are necessary. :stuck_out_tongue:

30% less for better coridnation and faster clear.

Not that bad.

And the autmatch maker was amde, so people rowed faster into games.

they didn’t make RO


Well, yeah i get ya.

Well, it kinda does hinder selling items for real money. Since you cant do it unless you have a token.

All the people selling silver are doing it for ridiculous amounts when you could just buy a token and sell it to get much cheaper silver. if anyones actually buying it they are idiots.

The reality is there are going to be people interested in this game that will see the forum before they go looking at petitions.
Community reps will note that the forum is being swamped with negative feedback that is serving as bad PR for any potential new players who may look here.


As much as I would like to fault IMC for the server problems. I must fault my self just as much. Although at the beginning i had no lag so i used my pack, I started to get lag some hours later, I should have waited. I cant refund on steam base on that, But am at fault. They really need to fix the servers, and the transfer stuff while as nice as it seems you still need to wait for it, meanwhile you cant play cause of lag. But you live and you learn.

Also, from the Wiki:

“Tree of Savior (트리 오브 세이비어) is a MMORPG game currently developed by IMC Games in Korea. The game was first introduced under the heading “Project R1”, where it attained the title “spiritual successor of Ragnarok Online”. Tree of Savior is led by the “Father of Ragnarok Online” Kim Hakkyu (김학규) who was a lead designer of Ragnarok Online from 1998 to 2001.”


So here we are, bashing negative feedback brainlessly so you and me can trade, and f*ck those “potential new players who may look here”, and respectively the future of this game, eh?

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so? they still didn’t make the game, the only person associated with it is kim hakkyu, but imc as a whole didn’t make it

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