Tree of Savior Forum

Will we finally have Wizards of all Elements?!

I was wondering what people think, will we see a Wizard class based on Earth and on Wind?
The new Elementalist buff look amazing against the right enemy. It rewards mixing the Elements the most but I am more interested in Elemental Mages because of the flavor and RP.
Therefore, will we see an Earth and Wind focused Mage as we have Fire and Ice already?

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inb4 someone says “Tao covers the lightning wizard”.


Tao happens to have lightning skills and boosts them with storms, sure. But it is about using imbued talisman papers to employ magic.

I want a Thundermancer whose concept is literally being the lightning wizard, just like Cryo and Pyro D:

Lightning bolt (throws a bolt of lightning energy at enemy)

Storm Ray (like Storm Dust but it’s a bunch of electric rays drawing circles around the spot)

Thunderball (you can set them around like Fireballs, but instead of blowing up, they have lightning jumping between each other as mobs go between them

Great thunderbolt (one hit casted huge aoe heavy damage lightning spell)

Charge up (a self-buff that stuns enemies that melee you)

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Let’s Mikoto Misakate the mages. I want a Railgun.

Last order is best electromancer says misaka misaka as if it was typing this herself…

Hahahaha! Urusai! (comments Accelerator)

lightningmancer goes tu swordsman tree Owo

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I cant wait for my Electric assassin to leave his archer tree and become a boy-scout :3

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Taoist could be an okay thing until we get a full Lightning Wizard. It is not perfect but at least you can use some Lighting spells.
But I agree, the spells you mentioned are a good start. They would need to change Elementalist a bit but then you could at least give all of them their own identity. Elementalist full on AoE and the others their own, Pyro = Dot/Burn, Cryo = Frost/CC, Earth = Defense, Lighting = Stun

Not sure if you could call her a “Lighting Wizard”, certainly a user though. =P

They probably add some kind of clone ability as well, to make it perfect. =P
And no, we don’t need an Electric Assassin, you already got Assassins Creed. xD

Ehem! Shinobi is on scout tree now and so is bullet marker and enchanter. . . :wink: :wink:

Enchanter + Assassin Class combo :haha:

EDIT: Why is musketeer not on scout :confused:

Not that kind of “Cloning”. =P
It kinda works, though I am not sure how good a old school rifle would work as they use different weapons normally. Though the picture of a Bulletmarker dual wielding two muskets looks interesting. xD

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The “elementalist” of TOS it’s a total joke IMO, i been playing online games long enough and always as a wizard class and i can’t believe how the supposed “elementalist” from this game it’s lacking a lot of “basic” stuff to the point where after RE:build you end up using more of the cryo/pyro skills than the elementalist itself, due to long CD and not enough damage or usefulness of its skills.

As much as i want to play as an elementalist on this game i just can’t stand it, electrocute with no OH it’s a joke, fire claw it’s just as meh as it can be, meteor it’s just the generic meteor, they had to compensate with the new buff :confused: . I wish that we had cool skill interactions between ele and the base elemental mages like cryo and pyro, but that’s not even the case, heck, tbh omny feeels more like and elemental mage than the elementalist itself :confused: .

jack of trades, master of none Owo

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Honestly, the 10s Electrocute matches well with Storm Calling and Divine Punishment from Taoist. Loosing the Overheat is setback but it still works. I can agree that the class could use some more fun and diverse spells as well as some passive that encourage a playstyle that uses all elements.

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