Tree of Savior Forum

Will this work Wiz 2,Link 2,Ele 2,Warlock

I wonder if this will work for Solo+some party playing. I also plan to do 3 spr/2 int/1 con.

I hope some1 can give me advice on this build. Thanks~

I honestly think Wizard c2 is the worst possible circle in the whole wizard tree (maybe in the whole game). Investing 1 entire circle just for points in sleep and surespell doesnt worth it.

I mean, why not going full wiz c3? u get magic missile and quickcast which are awesome spells. Same way of thinking applies to elementalist, u are 1 circle away from frost cloud, which is the best Elementalist skill by far.

My honest opinion: u either go wiz 3 or u stay on wiz 1. If going ele, wizard 3 i think is the best way to go (thus wiz 3 - ele 3 - warlock, best dps build at the moment).

If going linker, u can go wiz 3 - linker 2/3 - ? - warlock, which is a really strong build as well (u have utility but still have so much damage efficiency)

As most elementalist Spells are AOE, u dont benefit from linker going ele’s path, although it synergise with warlock (but u are giving up on wiz 3 which is a bad thing).

either wiz 3 - ele 3 - warlock or wiz 3 - linker 3 - warlock are demanded in party groups so u should be fine leveling.

As for stats, i dont think SPR is worth it for DPS builds, INT scales so much better (cause of 10% bonus from each rank), but some CON is always welcome as the games progresses.

No, Wiz 2 is sh*t, Linker 2 is good but doesn’t work with elementalist, which is also not good at rank2

You can try:

Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > anything

Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > anything but elementalist > anything

Wiz > Cryo/Pyro > Linker 2 > anything

Wiz > Cryo 3 > Chrono 3

you can change all of these and try using different paths, but try not to go too random, think about the synergy in your skillset.

wiz3>ele3 looks interesting but lvling without linker seems slower right?

Linker doesn’t work with Ele skills, or you go Linker, or you go Ele, not good to go both.

ok ty for the insight~ I like the spell video of linker skills lol~ I guess I have to let it go~ :frowning:

also~ is the rune caster a new class? it doesnt have skill video in the tos base.

I would drop warlock for wizard 3

If you want to solo as a linker, Pyro would be of great help. Going cryo will not help you with damage.
Warlock has huuuuuuge cooldowns, don’t expect to get much of it as a wiz3-link, you will only have magic missiles and omg Cd!! Warlock spells in higher ranks.

I’d suggest either ele3-warlock or pyro-linker-warlock.

it’s not that slow cause once you hit ele 1 and 2 u start getting some good AoE skills, so u just gather mobs and cast them with quickcast. You will level up much much faster then any wiz 3 - linker 2 build for sure (considering solo leveling). Once u hit elementalist 3, oh dear, u become a DPS beast.

Don’t go rune caster. If you want you can try Wiz3 > Cryo > Kino > RC > whatever and you can search for ice wall + ice rune on youtube, it’s a great combo but you should not focus your whole build on it.

I believe elementalist is only good at low ranks, probably at level 600 (possible cap) it’s damage won’t be very helpful.

I would advise you to take Linker 2 and forget about elementalist, then search in other topics for popular linker builds, they are pretty good.

Ele 3: Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > something

Linker 2 (don’t use linker 1, not too good to go linker 3, but viable):

Wiz > Pyro 1+ > Linker 2+ > something

Wiz > Cryo > Linker 2 > Chrono 3 (amazing support and crowd control, most wished member for any party)

Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > something (a build focused on future ranks, good, but kind of boring)

wow thanks for more input~ Now I need more consideration to do hahaha!