Tree of Savior Forum

Will They Ever Change Stone Curse Spell?

I started playing this game since release date and back then Stone Curse spell from Elementalist skill tree was treated as most useless spell in game. Time has passed, but nothing changes, let’s take a look at it now PVP and PVE wise:

  1. Long cast time: Ok for PVE, insanely bad for PVP.
  2. Long cast animation: Ok for PVE, insanely bad for PVP.
  3. Can petrify up to 5 enemies: Awfully bad for PVE, ok for PVP.
  4. On level 15 it lasts for 33 seconds: Awesome, but too many points to be invested.
  5. Level 1 disable: Making it completely useless in PVP.
  6. Target PDEF and MDEF increases being petrified: Bad for PVE and PVP.
  7. Can petrify flying enemies: good.
  8. Doesn’t work on Bosses.

We can see that it’s 100% useless in PVP cause it’s hard to find a moment and enough time to cast it, besides that it will increase opponents defense when hit, making it harder to kill.
PVE wise only 5 mobs can be petrified at once, i barely can imagine situation one would need that, for example in ET you need to disable ALOT of enemies at once for skill to be useful and on fields/in dungeon it’s not needed at all.

Hence IMC either forget they have this skill in Elementatlist’s tree or i’m too bad as a player and can’t see a spot where it may play it’s role.

Would like to see any comments on that.

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Speak for yourself. Even without quickcast I use stone curse to great effect in pvp. The trick is to look for other disables/ccs and start to cast it then, instead of just trying to cast it openly.

Can you give me an examples of you using it? Also i’m interested in your build and server you play on. I play on Fedimian and haven’t met a single character with Stone Curse in PVP so far, since Kino are too far superior.

Also i don’t quite understand why would you need a disable, which you can use only on already disabled targets, isn’t it a waste? Why don’t do dmg on disabled target? You should have it level 15 then.

You are the first person who is saying that he likes that skill, nice to know someone satisfied with it.

And as for me i was trying it on Ele Warlock build and it hasn’t showed any decent results, for ~100 matches it helped me only 3-4 times and enemy team didn’t have an Oracle or PD in this fights, so i can’t call it even a remotely good result.

It is tough to use on an ele/lock since you could only combo it off Earthquake or Sleep, which are both tough to hit openly.

My current build is wiz2kino3ele3, landing stone curse is as simple as landing magnetic force, which as we all know isnt hard. Can also combo it off raise.

Also i don’t quite understand why would you need a disable, which you can use only on already disabled targets, isn’t it a waste? Why don’t do dmg on disabled target?

When I say looking for other disables I mean if you see someone is frozen or stunned, start casting it then, it will connect unless they resist. I have stone curse 8 in the build currently. In certain cases you want a long-time disable instead of damage, since then you can focus on the other 2 players.

While damage is reduced under stone curse, it is a very long duration so you can focus someone down while they are petrified.

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they probably wont do anything for stone curse bcuz elementalist is already as strong as it is, a really good cc would unbalance it. i think stone curse should be deleted and replaced imo

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I’ve witnessed SC being used as follow-up to Sleep and any other CC. I think it’s a situational skill like Chrono’s Stop. It’s not completely useless, you just need to understand when to use it properly. Ele is an offensive DPS class anyways so it’s already a bonus that they get a CC skill.

@Remiri You have an interesting build, which, from my point of view can’t do anything in PVP besides disabling enemy team members. Dunno if PVP is your final goal for that build, but current “Fedimian server meta” is Kino3 Necr3 cause of necromancers attribute, which ignores enemy armor completely and can one shot any disabled target. You just land Magnetic Force -> Raise -> Decay -> Flash Cannon and target with 400millions invested in armor is dead.

As for Elementalist - only Electrocute can be treated as viable PVP spell, which deal some sort of damage, that’s why i wonder why did you choose it for PVP (if PVP was your main goal with that build of course).

@BeMagnificentt Can’t agree that elementalist is already as strong as it is, especially after ShinoMurm build becoming popular, which can outdamage elememe builds without an effort. And even if elememe would have stayed as TOP DPS by now i can’t see any reason for class to have useless skills. Even Remiri has Kino in his build, because he realizes Stone Curse is unreliable by itself.

@ZeroFoxGiven Yeah a really nice bonus which is not taken by anyone on server i play on. Doesn’t it mean that it’s not a bonus, but a ballast?

Can petrify up to 8 enemies because of the attribute “Stone Curse: Increased Petrification”.
The CD time is pretty long,though, which makes the skill even worse if the enemies already recieved a Rank 1 debuff (except sleep) previously and have diminished debuff duration.

You can use Moldyhorn cards for a huge damage boost against petrified enemies,though.
That fact makes it at least nice for PVP.

Elect-FreezingSphere-Meteor-FrostCloud are all excellent damage abilities.

I focus on PVP.

@Remiri It’s offtopic of course, but how can you call Meteor a good PVP ability? You can dodge it with a jump, it may only work on disabled target, and target shouldn’t be in Raise, since you’ll miss on flying enemy. Also worth mentioning meteor can kill only people without any gear, for example Murmillo with 4-5k Mdef will take only 10-15k dmg from lvl10 meteor used with Stage7 Regard Horn Staff. Same goes to FrostCloud - it’s extremely easy to avoid and if you have 8k+ MDEF it will not hurt you at all. I really wanna know what’s your rank in PVP and what builds take first place in TBL ladder on your server. On my server it is Kino Necros/Kino Chrono/Murmillos and some mix of Inquisitors/Oracles.

Though i agree Freezing Sphere is a good PVP spell, it would have been great if it didn’t have a cast time. But yet it will deal zero damage to high mdef targets.

Once again my whole point is Elementalist is useless in current TBL meta. And if you take Necromancer instead of Elementalist you will boost your performance drastically.

And since you are focusing on PVP have you tried Kino3 Necro3 build or not?

Meteor can hit targets in a Raise. I dislike minion classes in general so that is just a personal choice.

8k MDEF is already pretty huge whale status, my goal is to have fun when I play and given the current TBL times there is no way for me to get top rank anyways, lol.

Use card for stone curse and you should be impressive