Tree of Savior Forum

Will the removal of Quickcast 50% magic damage attribute be removed on live servers too?

Imo, it was one of the best changes on the ktest server

  • Having an attribute for a skill that just increases the damage of every attack you do is just crazy, especially since it has 100% uptime
  • There will be more build diversity with it gone, since Wizard 3 isn’t integral to doing good dps anymore
  • With the new way damage is calculated, Quickcast would have been even more overpowered since weapon attack is a larger part of the damage you do now

I really hope that the attribute is gone for good. Does anyone else want this change to apply to the live servers too when the combat update is out, or is it only going to be for the ktest server??

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Eh—I’d prefer it stay. You give up a lot to be able to get that attribute and, without it, there is almost no reason to go W3. So rather than increasing build diversity, it would completely eliminate a C3 class’ viability, and force people into taking more “filler” classes (like a single rank in Cryo) just to milk some passives until they get the character to higher circles.

Additionally, you suggest that a lot of people go this route (whether out of obligation or otherwise) by stating that diversity would be increased by removing its allure—what this also means, then, is that a lot of damage would be removed from the existing Wizarding classes/players.

The attribute in the first place was poor design, but removing it now would have an even worse effect than continuing to build around it. Unless they plan to hand out a non-temporary free class reset to every C3 Wizard out there (because I am sure a lot of bricks would be shat at their losing 50% total dps), then I wouldn’t bother it lol

IMC has said that there wil be a big character reset event going on once they make the game balance changes.

They are giving 1 rank reset each day, so 7+ rank resets minimum, probably 14 rank resets in total since the events usually last 2 weeks, maybe it will last longer

The classes that need Wizard 3 for their long casting times probably will still go wizard 3, but many people disregard TONS of wizard classes just because the ranks they are available at doesn’t fit with wizard 3, making them obsolete. Now if this change stays, everyone’s wizard build (damage, not support) won’t be “Wizard 3 - input 5 other ranks here”

Yea, my wiz3/ele3/warlock2 can probably toss at least Wiz3, since pretty much all the spells she uses are instant casts, and maybe even toss Wiz2 if I don’t find that I need Surespell. Odds are, I’ll toss Wiz3 and replace it with Linker1.