Tree of Savior Forum

Wiizz->Pyro->Linker2->Sorc2->Warlock would it work? can u guys help w/ skills/stats?

Tittle summs it up x3


Thats a pretty standard pyro sorc build. builds pretty straight forward, for pyro take 5 of ball/enchant/ground, linker just max joint penalty and hangmans. you wont ever use the other skills so put them wherever. sorc, make sure you get the level 2 sorc 1 point skills and a temple shooter card, everything else is up to taste

warlock build is basically the identical one every single warlock build uses.

For wizard put 1 into lethargy and get the +% strike damage attribute, its really strong if you ever party with people who use strike damage, other than that nothing you will get from rank1 wizard will matter past level 80 or so, so dont worry about it. 1 earthquake for the knock is considered useful but honestly you probably wont ever use it once earthquake stops doing meaningful damage.

for stats just go a bunch of int, and some con, the amount of con is up to you. Id reccomend getting to 30 con early on and then just going from there as you feel its needed.