Tree of Savior Forum

Why we have so many bots

Ok, here is my theory as to why we have bots…
RARE ITEMS… that’s it, thats all.
Think about it if there were NO rare items if Vubbe Blood, Shredded cloth and Panto Spearheads etc all dropped at a reasonable rate people would not feel the need to use a bot to get the item. If these items were not super rare people would also not be selling them for outrageously high silver, which in turn reduces the need for people to purchase silver from the silver sellers. Limit the maximum that ANY item can be sold for (only after increasing the drop rates of rare items, obviously) to, maybe, $500k silver?Allow for tokens however to have a max of $1m, this will equal the sell price of silver by silver sellers, which appears to be anything from $3-$9 depending on the server for 1m., which is inline with token prices.

Attempts to report bots and silver sellers seem to be ineffective to say the least. So instead of trying to stick a bandaid over the end result, lets try preventing the cut.
a) increase drop rates of rare items which decreases the need for silver to buy them from market, decreases the use of bots to farm the item AND decreases the need to buy silver from sellers to purchase the item.
b) cap silver prices on items which decreases the need to farm silver or buy silver from silver sellers.

I honestly don’t believe anything will stop bots or silver sellers. There will always be those lazy players who just wont do their own farming for items and silver nor will we ever get rid of silver sellers for similar reasons.


I never said it would stop bots, just reduce them.

This may be the case for you, I dont know, but I assure you it is not the case for me. I play a game for fun and fun only.

I am pleased you think so, I am sure many would disagree. How many hours and days must I stand in the fields of Tenet Gardens waiting for a Panto Spearman appear? Their appearance alone is such a rare instance I can be there for hour and hours in a day changing channels and going back again only to see maybe 3-4 in a 6 hour period and that is assuming I am lucky enough to get to them to kill them first. Often there are only 4-6 channels to choose from, so that makes their appearance even less frequent. But respawn rates are not the real problem here.

And everyone moving to bartering would be bad how? It would still eliminate the need for senseless amounts of silver.

I was under the impression China was a banned region.

It is still not enough. Yes, I agree they are at least trying, or showing an attempt at trying, but clearly the complaints that flow in constantly speak for themselves.

We have all been letting IMC do what they are doing and things are not improving. Right now servers are supposed to be closed to new players (unless I have missed the announcement which lifted this ban), so why are bot numbers and silver sellers not decreasing? If IMC are banning the reported players, as we are being led to believe they are from their news updates listing banned players, then why are the numbers not decreasing? I myself have seen the same silver selling standing in the same spot selling, have reported her numerous times and yet still she stands there. If these bots/silver sellers are being banned how are they being replaced? Servers are blocked, or are they?
Not enough staff to combat the bots and silver sellers? Then maybe they need to look at getting some players into GM/ moderator roles to do they job for them?

Yes, I did…

You believe that the “official release” was 10th May? when it went F2P? I consider the official release to be 21st March, when I started playing - we had silver sellers and bots from minute one of the games release (official or not). Ok, so it is not 6 months, but it is long enough, almost, but not quite 3 months.

I dont know how other games deal with these sorts of things, but they do seem to deal with them and as I said initially[quote=“spjclayton, post:1, topic:288422”]
I honestly don’t believe anything will stop bots or silver sellers. There will always be those lazy players who just wont do their own farming for items and silver nor will we ever get rid of silver sellers for similar reasons.
But I would like to think they can be reduced to a level which will not intervene with the game play of genuine players.
Personally I have had almost zero problems with lag and minimum issues with bots. My post is not for my benefit, it was merely a proposal to reduce bots for the benefit of those who are having issues.
But lesson learnt, I wont bother in the future.

guys cmon… the reason they don’t ban bots is for one reason and one alone… it’s because THEY BLOW UP THE DAM STEAMCHARTS. game looks active as f so people come and play it. obvious as f but why the f can no one see that sht? 9-11 bishes


:V staph waking up the dead…