Tree of Savior Forum

Why Tree of Savior is dead

Does feel like its dying though here on OSHA. I also visited the newbie spawn when it went open open beta again and there wasn’t much traffic. More bots than players in grinding spots and dungeon queues can take hours for 200 dungeon queue sometimes and rushes even for 90 are slow to form. Still no korean patches to itos. I’m sure steam sales will rip people away too, but the games I want most haven’t been featured yet.

Such a big strong tough guy. Wish I could be as edgy as you.

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If this game is dead then don’t play it.)


I bet you feel like this when you create this kind of topics:

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Pretty cool story PrinceEdgy. :slight_smile:

These BOTS can ruin a game.

Farking bot close the goddamn server again

(◣ _ ◢)┌∩┐(◣ _ ◢)┌∩┐(◣ _ ◢)┌∩┐ u IMC

Just make subscription 10 dollars and free 100 tp a month. Wont solve the bots but we will have less bots

this thread is priceless…

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the number of trump threads appearing now is


So PrinceMark was banned from the forums. Wonder if it was this post he made that got him banned… surely some people had to have flagged it cuz it was a little too much :slight_smile:

Wonder who would have flagged such a post… hmm…

wow the moderation is real
i had a thread i made today removed too xD

but im still here…phew! lol


Probably cuz you haven’t made posts that are talking about how you want to watch people die and be tortured or sexually harassed girls. I’m glad to know that IMC at least moderates those things if nothing else.

Ah I see PrickMark finally got banned. :laughing:


What a lovely sight :joy:

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Lol @ that guy who keeps on trying to look edgy behind a monitor. Lol

dont worry guys @PrinceMarcus has arrived

now if only our old friend warrock will come back

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aka Misogyny Man/Skirt-chaser/Self-proclaimed PvP Badass/etc

Yup, my bleach is ready for ingestion.

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