Tree of Savior Forum

Why ToS is dying

This isn’t a complain thread. This is a simple statement of facts.

The game is clearly losing its player base at a steady rate. The current 30-day period has an average of 2726 players online each day, which is down from an already abysmal 2930 in August. Compared to three months ago, June, which saw an average of 4861 players online concurrently. This is a decline of 44%.

If we look at peak player counts, it reflects a similar story. A peak of 8665 in June, versus a current 30-day peak of 4848. The current peak player count from the past 7 days is around 3024. All that to say, this game is indeed dying or failing or floundering. This means white knights have no room for argument.

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at some of the problems plaguing this game.

  1. Bugs and their subsequent fixes.

IMC has been awful about addressing and fixing bugs. Perhaps the most recent being the- now fixed- display skill effects/damage bug. This took a full month to fix. That’s right, the bug first appeared with the field boss revamp on August 1st, but it was just fixed on September 5th. Now, for players playing on slightly lower-end computers, this might have caused a problem with the fps, but it was a minor inconvenience for those with high-end computers right? If only the game were well optimized, that would be the case.

Another major problem that plagued this game was one of frame rate. When it first launched, the game was laggier than Crysis 2 on ultra on a potato. This continued for an extended amount of time with next to no communication. We most recently had a whaling event, which let us vent our frustrations at P2W players by killing whales, but led to plenty of complaints about even more frame rate issues. Seems like some things never change.

  1. Lack of content

We’ve been on rank 8 since October of last year. We have had no meaningful PvE or PvP activities to partake in. There exists Earth Tower and previously we had TBL, but that was never really meaningful.

Let’s discuss the PvE aspect. The 290 dungeon is an incredibly boring single-boss dungeon that has hilariously easy-to-kill mobs. The hunting grounds are a mindless grindfest that merely exists to provide players with some slightly cheaper method to acquire pseudo-endgame gear.

The worst offender of this list, however, is Earth Tower. The crown jewel of ToS. It consists of an endless repetition of one mob floor, one protect floor, one gimmicky floor, one afk floor, and finally a boss that dies with no suspense. Perhaps the worst part about all this is the inability to transfer fragments or essences.

Saalus and uphill are probably closest equivalent to the mindless dailies of other MMOs, which is fine. The problem comes when ET, the so-called end-game dungeon, is effectively just a daily.

Progressing to the PvP, this was a mess. Clerics reigned supreme along with CryoKinos. The concept of balance was seemingly tossed out the window. There really isn’t any single word that can qualify how tragic this was.

  1. Misc.

The company seems fine with just trying to milk a dying cow. There have been uninspired events after uninspired events with endless goddess cubes and leticia cubes. Aside from Hunting Grounds, which is really unpopular, and field bosses, what have they released since rank 8?

Thankfully, the mods seem reasonably active, but almost never in game. When I played, there was not a single day that went by without seeing some botters. I’ll always report the gold-selling spam bots then block them. I’ll log in a week later and see that some bots are still online in my blocklist.

I’ll conclude this post here. I feel this clip encapsulates my feelings well.

This game had potential to be decent, but for one reason or another, the game has become a steaming pile of fecal matter.


Dying because IMC does not care about us on iTOS. iTOS dont receive a good update! ONE GOOD UPDATE!


The whiteknight are gone months ago also the hueknights :<

The last hope will be the GvG update and maybe R9,
If this fails the game is realy dead.


There is no hope if this kind of content surge in 3 months!!!

THEY DON’T GIVE A **** ABOUT US, its ridiculous, we need to do something!


Just a few hours ago I went yolo with my +15 RHS and failed 5 times in a row bringing it to +10 0 pot to give myself an excuse to stop playing. Thanks RNGesus! (this could have been prevented if they put the diamond anvil in the event like ktos did)

Before maint I was already trying hard to convince myself that it’s okay we didn’t get an update this maint because finally, Forest Fairy F is gonna be in exchange shop but nooooooooooooope somehow even that was denied by IMC. Now the only reason for me to MAYBE log-in is to do some world bosses? Can’t wait for the channels to crash on the next ones so I can be truly free


You might consider that 2700 players today are at least 20-30% alts just for saalus. No idea why IMC kept doing these “new ̶f̶a̶r̶m̶ ̶a̶c̶c̶o̶u̶n̶t̶s̶ player” events. Every time I saw that events I felt like I was getting punished by being an active player (which Im not anymore). On the other hands, those events are made for old players to boost other accounts to 330 in a matter of hours… and them you realize how restrictive the game is. You cant use market, trade…


2700, decreasing Necro Farm counts, and players who only log to let their character fish, we need a steam pressure or game closure, before they gain more with gacha system.


Sad but it’s true. The game itself is very good but the problem is our company who runs the game. They don’t really know what are they doing or what to do, they just too greedy. That’s all. I have never seen such a poor developer and maintaining like this company before. R.I.P. Tree of salt.

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Im still here, lurking… sniffing around

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ToS is not dying… You cannot kill what is already dead.


They dont even read this @Staff Don’t be ashamed, look at this true, face it and report to your beloved devs.

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Yes, poor developer and even IMC Support Team. Perhaps GM & Staff here too (Sorry if I am wrong).

Look at this link in another topic of mine. Did they care? No. They just reply will check or whatever to comfort you. Well, as you can see from the topic below, its been 2-3 weeks ago since this issue reported and don’t even put in the ‘Known Issue’ or whatever. As I could see now, world boss spawning time is not consistent and it’s random spawn due to channel keep crashing over time. Some of the 330 world boss will spawn after 2 days from last dead and some of them will only spawn after a new maintenance cycle. Yesterday is a new maintenance cycle and yet morning just now rexipher spawn but unfortunately crash on spot.

Moreover, IMC Support team keep misunderstood our problem and how could they help players???

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Maybe quality content is just a theory, a IMC theory. Thanks for playing!

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There’s no reason to play, game its fun for a while but when people realize that their time its more valuable than what this game has to offer, well , moving to a better game its a no brainer.

I agree with you’r 3 points but tim afraid at this point there is nothing to do about this game anymore, only hope its r9 content but so far not even a preview has been released and we are 3 months away from december. Honestly, while the last “preview” of update was anounced it seem good to me, however that alone its not enough to come back.

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huehueheue its hard to me looking my precious guildmates and frends down one by one cos imc soo stofid :frowning:

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i like this game and i think game not dead, but i wait gvg from ragnarok for the castle.

Because this kind of topics gets deleted for some reason. Nice post op I couldnt have said it better

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This game just needs more end game content and more consistent patches. I could write for days all the problems it has and what other things need changed and fixed but really it comes down to it needs better and more engaging end game content, Earth Tower is only fun for so long and it’s not even that great in the first place.

Does anyone here actually enjoy grinding Saalus every day on several alts to buff up an untradable weapon? People are losing interest in the game and leave.


Pretty sure their frame of mind is: “We have a strong stable playerbase elsewhere, lets milk these whiny never-satisfied westerners with Gacha, and get this all over and done with”.

Only light I see is if Nexon takes over the publishing side to breathe new life and bigger marketing to the game, as well as forcing the development and bug-fixing direction. But I’m convinced it will still end up with Gachas and P2W.

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This game’s most important problem is lag, FPS, even on good computers. This game shouldn’t be that demanding.

Any content implemented won’t be satisfactory if you just lag all over it, if everyone wants to try it out and noone gets to truly enjoy it. If bosses are nothing but a lag fest and people get their FPS dropped by some particular skills at PVP, the game simply won’t be truly enjoyable.