Tree of Savior Forum

Why Psychokino's Teleportation is absolute trash and needs major rework

Long time Psychokino player here. I loved the class ever since beta, and every skill has been useful for many situations…except for one.


Ohhhh lord, is this one of the most useless, absolute garbage skill I have ever seen in my life. Using the skill by itself, it warps you to a random location, at a random distance. Pathetic, right?

BUT, you can control the direction you warp to by using the arrow keys in keyboard mode. However, the distance is still random and cannot be controlled. I have not tried using the skill in mouse mode, because mouse mode feels too weird for me in the first place.

And that’s not even the worst part…

The worst part, is that you never even reach a certain distance past a certain level.

Now refer to the supposedly inaccessible room at Royal Mausoleum 4F. There is a rumor flying around that Teleportation can get you in there. However, I have tried more than 200 times, on both sides, with Lv 15 Teleportation to teleport into this room myself, and so far I have not succeeded. Every other Kino has claimed that they have gotten in there with only Lv 5 or lower (except one, who claims to have warped there with Lv 10). While I have not seen video proof or actually seen another Kino warp to this room, I also have no reason to believe they are all lying, because I know how far Teleport can go at almost every level. So what does this mean?

This means that Teleport rarely, if ever, goes above the distance of 150 that is stated in the skill’s tooltip at Lv 5, and most of the time, RNG will always choose a number lower than that. This guys, is why no Psychokino should ever grab this useless garbage that calls itself a skill.

Ultimately, it’s up to IMC to fix this horrible thing, but since this is under Suggestions, my suggestion is to either…

A. Give Teleportation a minimum distance


B. Make Teleportation always go at max distance.


C. Fix the stupid RNG on this skill.

Thank you for reading a have a nice day.

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I think everyone knows its garbage just because its a RNG disengage with a 20sec CD on a glass cannon class.

It’d be okay if you had a ress and escaping from a fail pull can let you save the party the run back, but still super niche.

Yep, but the RNG is soooo broken, it makes me even more sad. :frowning:


Reading this thread makes me so happy…

am I the only one smart enough to use Teleport to it full potential :3

ah! seen people struggle with it is amusing xD

then again, having an active attribute that make it more random and increase the range to the full map would be nice too xD

EDIT: @Kiyoshiro

just because you cant, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible… nothing is impossible for a Psycho :sunglasses:


Like I’ve said, I’ve no reason to believe it’s impossible. I’m not sure what you mean when you say you can use Teleport to it’s full potential though :confused:

He’s talking about map exploration. You can access hidden areas without completing the prerequisite quests and junk.

You do know that with teleport you can skip a lot of things and get shortcuts that other classes can only dream of…

As a Psycho, you can get to places no one else can… and teleport is one of your greatest weapons :3

no barrier is thick enough for you, no door is lock, no road is block, no hill is too tall or gap too far…

if I had a problem with teleport is that yeah it distance cant be 100% calculated and the animation… why is the animation to start teleporting sooo slow D: it’s painfully slow at low fps and the difference between escape and dead…

I would prefer a separated upgraded of the current teleport as separated C2 skill or C2 active attribute :3

What? I already know that you can go to inaccessible places. I’ve done it with the Aging Room at Shaton Reservoir -_-

And here I was expecting some magical technique to control the distance. Much disappoint.

You can control the distance… kind of

you have to know the basics of movement, what you call random distance is nothing but parallel obstruction…

let me put it simple, think of it as if when controlling teleport with arrows, the teleport threw a straight horizontal line in that direction checking where it can land and chose the landing zone…

if there is something in the end of the line your teleport will ether fail or shorten…

now here is where “RNG” teleport comes in, when you use it, it s better than directed at some times cause it set the ending point without care for direction…

if you are lucky it will end just where you want it… of course, like with directional, if there is something at the end it will fail or short the distance…

Have you ever wonder why you can directly drop off cliffs with controlled teleport but never can go up them… this is why, the line is thrown at your character level all the time…

keep in mind terrain elevation and other stuffs when teleporting :sunglasses:

PD: Like I would give you all my secrets HA!

Achieve your own greatness :imp:

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Regardless of the objective, Teleportation is garbage and it needs to be revamped. It should be like this:


To be fair its bad, not not even close to among the worst skills in this game lol.

I reached the secret room with teleport 1 in my 3rd attempt, so I think it is more something related to luck. Also I feel any wizard works betetr with mouse, specially when talking about skills like teleport or aoe skills.