I have some serious problem to build an archer wich will NOT end up being Musketeer or Cannoneer. The main problem is that those 2 classes have awsome scaling of power in their skills: 150%, 300% and in case of Musketeer’s Snipe even 400% of attack power as bonus on top of huge number, while other classes of archer… not really.
There are however FEW skills in archer tree that could be used well at meta of the game despite not being Musketeer or Cannoneer.
According to http://pastebin.com/gRWPfJam and skill simulator these will be as follows:
Stone Shot (Quarrel Shooter) 150% of attack
Rush Dog (Hunter) 150% of attack
Flare Shot (Scout) 90% of attack (hit multiple times)
Magic Arrow (Fletcher) 100% of attack
Singijeon (Fletcher) 200% of attack
Now if i were to consider build without Musketeer or Cannoneer, i would most likely need QS, Hunter, Scout or Fletcher, as otherwise my dmg will be really bad it seems? There could be some build with Rogue perhaps as long as there will exist backstab mulitpier items such as Karacha set, though its uncertain wether or not there will be high lvl sets/items with such bonuses, making Rogue questionable.
So now the question: is it possible to make an archer build that will not end up with Musketeer or Cannoneer?
I was even thinking about some Scout c2/c3 to counter scout c1+musketeer invisibilty (by having longer duration) with dex build to dodge the Musketeer attacks that would otherwise 1 shot kill me for sure. I also don’t want Wugushi because plague doctors exist and antidotes too.
Any help?
Maybe skills that don’t scale with attack could be used well in dex build?