Tree of Savior Forum

Why necromancers Cant have 8 over one

I am a necromancer now that i am doing a Bokor I see that his 8 summoned zombie CAN atack one single target i think they should make the same thing with necromancer we only get 5 Minions hiting one MOB and the OThers Stand in there watching whats the point of having a lot if
You CANT rush bosses or single target i dont ask for ALL to atack at the same time cuz it will be a lot of DAMAGE (it should be like that like in other games thats the point of being summoner) But hey at least the same enemies like the bokor 8 at least plis Make this a serious issue cuz its bad to see ur army watching and dont doing anything

Don’t make Afk Necros more cancerous than they already are pls



looks like u think all necros are Afk my main is necro even without knowing the afk farming and it doesnt matter u can AFK without skellys if u didnt know so i am not looking for this Besides with the new patches summons only will stay for 5 minutes so what are u afraid of?

All necros have or will afk. So why would there be a change to necro AI just for your sake? You might not afk, but you are not the voice of all the afk necro sitting on questing areas, denying quest routes for players.

Also, what makes you think 5 mins summon duration will kill afk necro? There are so many macro players now and nobody has been banned, this will continue as long as the summons automatically attack monsters.

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Lol what i see here is irrelevant what i am asking its for better class performance if the people AFK now whats the point of giving this what i am asking?? i dont get the point i mean they AFK now with THAt will be the same but the class be better for the normal players and second a minion that doesnt protect the master its useless they are ok right now

This is wrong. Zombies can’t all attack one target, there are always 2 or 3 idle zombies (at least on normal maps) if it’s just against 1 target. I guess that’s because of the aggro limit of 5 monsters, which in turn also affects summons when attacking a monster.

Also,stop complaining, Bokors zombies are wayyyyyyy weaker than Necromancers monster train that even has passive attributes to further increase the damage.
Meanwhile, Bokors zombies are dependent on the stats the monsters have, so because most of them being weak wusses, zombies feel more or less challenged (even without the wheelchair).

They also need two constant buffs (Samediveve,Ogouveve) maintained + heals due to their decay (although bones decay faster than bones with flesh over them) to be effective for more than Damballa nukes…

All in all, Bokor is in a sorry state as a supposed “summoner” Class, he’s much more effective in dealing the damage himself than using his zombies for it <_<


Just turn off necro invocation, and make them a damage skill.


uh what

doesn’t IMC plan on adding these new 3 bokor skills for necromancer and sorceror or something like in the patchnotes?

yeah,but they are useless skills, not even worth to invest point into (at least on Bokor).
I even dropped Tet Mamak La because these control skills just are so much inferior to Bwa Kayiman when it comes to controlling your zombies.

Neither forced attack on a target nor random attacking other targets is going to be more helpful than Bwa Kayiman or Tet Mamak La because the targeting system in this game is such a bull.

And why would you want to destroy your zombies? This skill is only useful on builds that don’t have Damballa and can’t wait the time it takes for the zombies to decay on their own.

I was wondering if the Force attack skill would allow your zombies to bypass the aggro limit on single targets? If that isn’t the case I guess it’s just useful for some weird c1 bokor build or something and the same goes for the summon remove skill when doing some quest that requires no hitting or something.

The funniest thing in this forum is when someone says something about Necromancer and the same jealous complainers start crying asking to withdraw a class from the game. A class that many players have. And that of a game that is low in popularity and struggling to keep old players and get new players.

They think that their will to remove the necromancer class from the game is worth more than the will of all players who play with the necromancer class.

I played this game since before the Free to Play and my first char was a Necro, it was also my first char to reach Rank 8.
I play with Necro because I like the class, and I know that it is still very weak compared to other games, in Diablo 2 my necromancer was much stronger than it is here, the skulls were much smarter and more active and I had warrior skulls , archers and wizards, here neither wizard skulls do not have.
In addition Shoggot should have a stronger aggro-type peltaste using the Buckling Swash skill.

And yet I keep playing with Necro because I like the class.

P.S .: I died laughing reading the other comment to cancel the summons of the necromancer. Imagine a necromancer without summons … LOL

Necromancer actual state is cancerous. Almost all of them just serve to be afk in some map with high respawn, and make someone rich. This broke the economy, and still do.
Yes i’ve said to remove summons, because they are dumb, and they will continue to be dumb, imc clearly don’t give a ■■■■ about that. And as a necro, i prefere to have a damage skill, that invocate skeletons and they just ataque, in singularity, before have a dumb summons, just to be a necromancer LOL

Well at least we should get some AI improvements for summons in general the coming patch next week.

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I always had Necro and I always left my Necro AFK and I never got rich …
Want to get rich? Learn the scheme of enchanting weapons until +16 and +21 without fail, then yes, you will get rich.
Necro AFK does not get rich, I can guarantee you that. I have some friends who are very rich in the game without having necro afk, just playing all day. Throw a thousand times more silver than necro AFK.

With my FF I make 1kk of silver for an easy hour. My friends with SR do much more than that in 1 hour farming.

Spotted the dirty afk necro

Ewww filthy AFK necro. As what one player mentioned I would simply say that as a forum knight
"Delete filthy Necro class from game".

P.S. Anyways necros will be getting time limit sooner or later. So that will kill “normal AFK farm”.

Time limit should also come next week. :slight_smile:

my bokor zombies can only have 5 hit one target at a time…
well it did the last time i played ( like a month ago) and there wasnt any patches so im pretty sure its the same

At the actual state? Yes you can’t be rich, you just will just be annoying other players to do some quest in the map you guys stays. I know people that make 400m+ with necro, at the beginning…