Tree of Savior Forum

Why make some wizard classes consumable class

I don’t get the point of this

because lore wise, it makes sense for wizards to use reagents when casting a spell to apply their power or to facilitate the use of magic , and not creating things from nothing.
good side: in the notes they say that they will decrease the cap for the items even more, and if they change it to 0 cap per item, it would be perfect.
ps: i’m not happy with it too, but hey at least “makes sense” so i can accept it, only if they reduce the cap, because it really killing the weight system if we still need to be carrying so many things.


And why only wizzards should not have reagents for powerfull buff? Spend some money for “nothing”, u greedy :heeey:

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I can accept the lore motivation but why pheasant doesn’t consume a bait item then? Why shinobi kunai doesn’t actually consume kunai items? Why krivis doesn’t use a reagent to cast zaibas but taoist has to use talismans to cast divine punishment and storm calling?
Why elementalists or warlocks don’t have to use reagents? Why Musketeers and Cannoneers do not have to buy ammunitions but Wugus have to buy several poisosn pots to spit a dart?

I think specific items are another silver sinker in this game, also it’s annoying, in my opinion, to do an npc run just to buy reagents.

I had Fletcher in the past as my main (even if lore wise to craft its own arrows is fine) it’s just a time/silver sinker for basically no advantages and players have to keep an eye on the number of arrows.
(Nothing personal against you, excuse me if my post sounds rude, i just do not understand imc)


the only answer i can give you, is that they may use them or may not in the future!.
after all this patch have add all those changes and those reagents to spells, so who can say that IMC will not add more in the future?for other classes , after all most of your examples talked about fletcher-wugus and so on, and most classes had not the use of reagent so who can say that this reagent patch is not exclusive but one of many that imc will add for every class exactly like you said, with ammunition, and so on after all we all know that they are not fast on the trigger to add things, so only time will tell, and maybe in the future someone will create a topic just like this one, to comment on it and in their future examples they would use this same classes that received a reagent today to complain about the other classes who still does not have it ^^.
but i can say without doubt that the reagents are because lore wise and also a silver sinker and ■■■■■■■ annoying without doubt but there is no need to be a brainier to know this and also, this is a game too, so there is no need to follow 100%, some things can be omitted for example: you mentioned kunai from shinobi, in theory we could accept having kunai items, it would be without doubt a lore approved item, but shinobi already have gunpowder for other skills, so we can let this slide since it already have one item for their skills, of course this is my opinion, and clearly imc does not share it with me ^^, if i could add reagent to the game like IMC is doing, i would do without doubt because it helps to create a little immersion to the game, but i would do it right, at least what i believe is right!, i would ONLY add reagents to CORE spells of the characters, so we could turn them in something even more special and something that have being give special attention to the class, it would give the players the impression that that CORE skill is really a core special snowflake skill, since it even have reagents; like for example the wheel from inqui or the gunpowder from shinobi!
and like i wrote; i’m not defending this change; i myself have being very indifferent to it; mostly because they said in the notes that they are going to modified the cap of the reagents, so we could be able to buy bundle of them and never see the npc again, (at least this is at i hope).
i’m, like most players, have problems with cap, but after all the things that came with this patch, with buffs nerfs, for me this change is the most insignificant of them all, since again, they said that they will rework and modify the cap for those items, so they know what the problem is (lack of cap) and they will work around it already and if i could bet something about IMC is that all those classes you mentioned about not having a reagent today, will have it in the future, simple because IMC loves to add those things that does not have any real impact in the game besides annoying every player in the game,^^!


so why archers have invisible and infinite arrows then??? they should buy now arrows like in RO ;/

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But in RO arrows could provide HUGE benefits or raw damage, in tos reagents for items are just out dated silver sinks, so annoying :sob:


yep but there are too many spells now that need a regents ._. its just stupid ><

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in fact, IMC stated a while ago that powerful skills or buffs could start to cost items to cast, and if they remove the item consumption, they would need to nerf the skill. Now ask yourself, its better to use a stronger skill that consumes a cheap item, or a weaker skill?

I don’t mind spending silver with items for skills, what bothers me is the weight of these items that limits the amount that I can carry.

the person who works at the designer seems to have suffered some kind of brain damage, most things in this game doesn’t make any sense.


it would be nice if they make a window to use these items similar to the way wugushi uses the poison pot

edit: translated by Google

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I think they’re doing it to help the game’s economy. They’re trying to find ways to reduce inflation as well as put a toll on bot farmers.