Tree of Savior Forum

Why is the game so painfully easy?

lol how long has rank 8 been out and you only ALMOST have a set. I did ET and had a full set months before you. If you like getting endgame gear really really late then hey, do it the slow way buddy.

You played iRO?


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You completely missed his point.

Not iRO, but on other official servers and a couple of private servers ranging from low-rate to high-rate.

The game was quite challenging during R7 and first half of R8, then a lot of complains started flooding the forums and IMC took action. Itā€™s common for MMORPGS to get steadily easier, but IMC overdid it, especially during the first 200 lvls of the game.

Because they surely were attacking you for 20 mins and it couldnā€™t have been 1 or 2 minutes before you came back

You completely missed my point.

Iā€™m referring to ā€œET is for people who donā€™t have time / donā€™t know how to farm silver you need to buy ET stuff.ā€ I had no comment about anything else he said.

But hey, thanks for nothing.

Well yeah, that was sarcasm xD

I tested it just for you (although I didnā€™t want to play till next year <_<) and I last ~6 minutes with 5 of them on my hide at the same time.

But thatā€™s enough to tell that the monsters are basically not very dangerous.
Post armor update where I get 881 additional physical defence with the equipment I currently wear, the total damage the Lyonis deal is ~ halved again, decreasing from a 0,263 attack modifier towards a measly 0,146 (with Aspersion it even reaches 0,116)ā€¦

This means they deal only 14,6%/11,6% of their possible damage on someone without any transcendence, high upgrade values, defence boosting cards, yellow gems or physical defence specialization(i.e. vs. my cloth armor).
GG :slight_smile:

This is basically why the game is easy and is going to become even easier in the near future.

Might be a bit off topic but are you referring to the changes to the plate defenses? If yes do you know if it is going to be the same for robe (cloth) say, miki? Thank youu

Itā€™s affecting all armor classes, be it cloth,leather,plate or shields.

You can already check the new values at

Care to mention 2 very important variables on your test? HP and def?

I was busy doing other stuff, kiddy. Im the only person on iToS who have max Team Level.

Because everytime someone complains about this, waves of people say ā€œOh no, youā€™re on early game, the game is supposed to be easy on the begginingā€ and stuff.

I already stated in the initial post that my HP are around 50k and my current defence ~ 1500.

I made the calculations with 1500 defence and 1250 attack for the Lyonis (attack is afairc ~940-1400, so I calculated a higher average of 1250) for the attack modifiers.

There is someone in Fedimian server who claims doing Saalus 70 times a day, maybe the forum will enjoy his spam xD.

One account can have 30 chars maximum. So if someone is doing Saalus 70 times a day - oviously he is using other people accounts - usually pplā€™s who quit. We have such saalus fans on Varena too.


/20chars ā€¦


They make maps 300+ so easy. I miss them. If they just added Defm in equipment it would be enough to not get obliterated by magic attacksā€¦ I guess?

Questing in group because it was needed was cool and funā€¦ At least for me

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Boss fights needed you to abuse invincibility skills.
Boss skills that are undodgeable oneshot the whole party unless everyone has insane gear.
Quadruple server check on any action leading to 200-300ms latency on every single spellcast.
% modifiers on cards forcing you to one single meta build for your class for 10 years in a row.
PvP where you get killed in 2 hits and the only way to endure more is abusing potion spamming with a macro.
Packet editing to hack the game with no protection for many years.
Multiclienting to be competitive in pve and pvp, you literally had to have some spare accounts filled with priests to warp your guildmates to different castles and to buff everyone in front of the castles.
And much more.

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The only RO worth talking about is official iRO/kRO.

Actually, the Re:start iRO server is quite good, the only problem is the bots.

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