Tree of Savior Forum

Why is C1 sorc a thing for alchemist?

Looking into fast leveling a Alchemist solo and i keep seeing Wiz>Pyro c2 > link c1 > sorc c1 > alc c2

from all i read on forums c1 sorc is garbage so how is this build working to carry you through two ranks with no additional damage skills

Sorc C1 is nowhere garbage, it goes well with the right cards, specially if you are pyro C2 > Linker C2, i changed my build in the middle for summoner and will end up with Alch C1, no regrets here. Gonna fix to Alch C2 when they put up R8 (if that ever will happen this year only God knows).

My Summon is level 5 (obviously) and i am using a Chapparition 5 stars, so far so good, some critical hits, and most of times it hold the horde of mobs that get aggroed, fast leveling, but since i am still getting to Alch, i have to rely on market place for pots for now and not every time i get the good price, so i have to deal on Fedimian pots.

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I see just every thing heard is negative about sorc c1 and summon ai but current content i’m sure better go above build hit to hit C2 Alch for the gem roasting.

I’m just speculating as only ever play wiz C3 > Elem C2 but is the damage from pyro enough to carry you from rank 3 to 7?

While i do agree that the AI need working, if you know what you are doing with your char you won’t have any major problem with it, as for Alch, unfortunately even at C1, Sorc is a SP sponge, so a level 5 SP pot is plenty until you hit yours 230+, at least it is my guess.

On the 2nd iCBT i played Wiz C2 > Linker C2 > Sorc C1 (it had all the skills on the first circle including the wonderful Hold skill, that is a must have if you will go to C2 now) Alch C1.

At Level 1 of Tincturing these pots are better than Klaip ones (from Merchant NPC) at level 5 they are better than Fedimian ones.

As for skills, as i said before, Hold is a must have, you can place the summon in one part of the map and go around luring the monsters to it, as i was linker C2, i would link up to 8 monsters, use HK and lock them in one place (for the most part) and the summon would do the trick.

As for summon, on the iCBT there was 3 summons that where good in the following order (note that it is my opinion and also, i never liked Riding skill so i am not counting on special skills):

  1. Temple Shooter (multi hits from its basic attacks)
  2. Necroventer (basic attack hit 2x in line <-- downside of it at that time and now unfortunately, they removed the double hit from it, so it became pretty useless for just C1)
  3. Chapparition, wide frontal AoE and it may be just my impression but i think it attack a bit faster than the other cards wih the exception of TS.

Today i am using Chapparition, i leveled the card to 5 stars and i don’t regret it, i may get TS later on, not sure yet, unless i stumble on a better summon i will keep the Chap for now.

Now lets answer your:

So far, i kill stuff fast be it with or without summon, with summon, of course is really fast, specially when it hit with critical hits often, i still am researching about these critical hits from summons, not sure if it is related to INT levels or Star levels (i am inclined to believe it is related to Star levels but i still need more time to be sure), my simple fighting steps are the following:

  1. If ground mob, lay FG (Fire Ground (level 10)) start to lure the mob, if they are all together, hit them with JP (Joint Penalty (for now mine is Lv 5 because Linker C2 will be my last Circle (R7)).
  2. They will start to burn, and the summon is close will start to hit them too (my summon hits are around 1.5k (20x INT + 5 Star Card) with critical around 2.5k depending on the def of the mob.
  3. Other than keep an eye on my SP and the FG running out i just keep hopping around to not get hit, and generally i kill the mob with 1 FG + summon in less than 15 seconds, except if the mob have a high HP pool like in some 2 or 3 star maps, which make me lay FG + FB + JP + Summon and even so i still need to keep this FG + FB rotation for 1 more time.

In the end, it goes by taste, i don’t feel the class being bad, be it at C1 or C2, of course, as i stated before, C2 have the Hold skill, which is really good, specially on boss fights, but i do have fun with it, i had a hard time on iCBT since i got a bad build at the time, but now with pyro things are much easier.

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Thanks what you said makes alot of sense now

No problem, but remember, it goes for the taste of the player, i myself find very little problems on the class, others may find it useless or not worth.

Right now i am around level 150 on the build i said earlier (Pyro C2 Linker C1 Sorc C1) and i am doing Demon prison 1, the mobs die fast, even the ones with huge HP pool don’t take too longer to die, on a counter part, my char is a bit squishy, but i do lack lots of gear so it is a given.