I play as a wizard based class. What am I supposed to do with it? Level leather mastery? Am I missing something? Who even thought this was a good idea? This is sick.
Make it tradable.
And that’s why we need Need/Greed/Pass rolls on loot.
You don’t get to copy bind-on-pickup items from other MMOs and NOT copy the loot distribution system without breaking stuff.
But the only “loot” from the dungeon and world bosses is cube. There is no reason to implement need/greed for cubes.
And you dont blindly apply something that might not work for current system as well. That would be a waste of dev time for no profit.
Point is, if you put loot in cubes - you better be sure you get class-specific stuff when you open them.
And if they wanted us to have loot drops that may or may not be useful, a need/greed/pass option is needed.
And this will only get worse when we start getting items with bonuses to class skills and such (or worse - items that can be worn only by specific classes). I mean, you could technically wear the gloves and get some bonus out of it. Not optimal by a long shot, but still. But if you got, say, a 2h spear while playing a Cleric - now that would be a problem.
TL;DR: If “Dungeon drops that are not necessarily useful to you” is a thing (and there will be more of that later on), we need to take them out of cubes and introduce the Need/Greed/Pass option.
If this was not intended, cube loot MUST be class-specific. I, for one, don’t want to waste a dungeon cooldown on an item that I can’t even wear.
This actually really concerns me. As an auto attack archer, the Didel Grand Cross recipe is a bind on drop/ untradable on craft item.
It is literally class defining since it offers +2 QS skill levels that taises your Running Shot damage by 80%.
Anddddd I might never get one since it probably has a â– â– â– â– drop rate with 200k silver rerolls on the cube that drops it.
They should just make it tradable…
Or make it only available through a quest requiring an untradable boss loot…
Same problem with ledas shield from 130 dungeon, i dont need it but my friend does, why make it untradable?
I understand that quest reward equipment is untradable so you can not trick people on the market but making equip you farm hardly from a dungeon untratable makes not any sense to me
I agree.
I mean it’s not like every mage wears cloth armor so dropping cloth only for mages wouldn’t solve it in the slightest, as you can see technically the gloves are for him it says “Any Class” but it doesnt mean they are useful for him
anyone think about how gear is locked at 240 when the game goes to 600? i guess someone starting later in this game will hit the 240 spot and come to gear thats locked, then move on to less restrictive gear after he passes this soft cap? or will alllll the gear past 220 have this restriction on it? when does this end? 260? 300? 350? 450? 550? 600?
Yea they need to make it tradeable. If they are going to start making the good gear untradeable then theres no point to have as many restrictions.
They should make this game not for kids under 12 years old…
You cant really boss hunt, only limit so little on dungeon play…
This cant trade and that cant use…
What sort of stupid question is this? Does it matter that you are a wizard? You have the choice to wear any of the three types of armor. Not to mention people who want to complete the adventure journal or get points need to craft the items regardless if they will use it or not.
Go shitpost somewhere else please.
How is that an argument for it being untradable? What kind of Mongoloid logic is that? It’s a RECIPE that drops off a BOSS CUBE that is UNTRADEABLE. It’s also a SET, requiring completion with its own armor set. Nothing about what you said is exlusive or made easier by it being UNTRADEABLE.
In fact it’ll only be easier if it was trade able for completionists. RNG is fine, when the sample size is a large portion of the population. But having one person farm a 240 dungeon a thousand times with no guarantee is punishment. In your case of someone wanting to complete all the armor pieces (12) even if the recipe was a 10% drop chance and you got no repeats it would take 120 cube rolls, 40 cubes with 2 additional rolls per, or 60 cubes with 1 additional roll per. This is the ideal scenario of course, RNG is hardly ever so kind.
IMC can do whatever they want. But they’re pretty god damn bipolar. Random dungeon set isn’t tradeable. There’s already heavy trade restrictions in general. Random select shield recipes aren’t tradeable as well. There’s no logic behind any of it. It’s like they had someone new added to their development team intermittently that made these decisions here and there
Max level isnt set in stone yet, theyve said that it might be or not
there’s already areas on the map (not accessible yet) that are almost level 400… 280 is definitely not the cap.
Where did I say anything about it being untradeable as a good thing?
I was talking about this. I would say to take your foot out of your mouth but you seem to enjoy it being there. Tried of you idiotic people coming here to cry and moan without looking stuff up.
While I dislike it being untradable this is not the first mmo with bind on pickup.
I would flag you, but I don’t want my thread locked up as well.
Thanks again imc.
You’re tried of idiotic people? Maybe you should stop trying idiotic people, that’s just my suggestion though. You’ve already proven you’re a mongoloid. No use in trying to reason with that which cannot reason.
On topic. IMC stop being bipolar. Randomly bound gear, at least give us a reason besides “that’s just how it is”.
Flag me for what? Stop being a child