Tree of Savior Forum

Why I think it is impossible to control RMT by regulating market prices

This thread is not to discuss tokens and their features or if you do or don’t like trade restrictions. Let’s deal specifically with the idea of market caps on prices and their effectiveness in in curbing RMT and silver laundering from bot accounts to seller accounts.

There isn’t much to talk about regarding the short term effectiveness of market limits. They are completely ineffective in the short term. They do nothing right now, nothing at all. I have seen maybe five hard limits out of dozens of things I’ve sold on the market.

This is because the system requires an extensive sales history on an item to establish an allowable price range. It is clear from IMC’s statement that what they are expecting is for the player base, over the course of many months, to “set in stone” what things should be bought and sold for.

What an enormous assumption; that players, with limited market slots, will choose to sell every item in the game frequently enough to establish these limits.

I can see a flaw, and it is very simple: Any items normal players would never choose to trade in - and there will be plenty of these, considering market slot restrictions - will be fair game for RMTers. Possibly forever.

In the event of a certain item becoming a primary trade item for RMT, one of two things will happen:

  • The item will, after dozens or even hundreds of successful RMT transactions, will have its “value” set by these nonsensical transactions and become impossible for players to trade in normally, or

  • The item will never have enough transactions to establish a price limit and will remain a viable solution for RMT in perpetuity.

Either if these is unacceptable. The system can’t work because market slot caps prevent players from attempting to deal in all but the most in-demand items. In a game with hundreds of thousands of bits and bobs to sell, we’ll never reach the point of market balance IMC is hoping will come about.

There is a solution to this, of course - restrict market access behind things players do naturally that bots do never. I’ve seen two suggestions to that end:


All excellent points. The community should push for this kind of trade implementation.


Why would you want to open the trade if it will benefited the most by botters.

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Read posts, try again

Then youre accepting the fact that botters will benfited the most hence your suggestion is trash if not stupid.

Please go actually read the post and proposals. They are well thought out and would benefit players while harming RMT activities.

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You can suggest anything you want proving it would be another thing. Give us proof that your suggestion is working, instead of lip serving?

I don’t understand… what point you are trying to make… can someone who understands translate?

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No, i mean it is obvious that suggestion is trash thats a fact, it will be benefited by botters the most, why would you implement stupid suggestion?

It would benefit players and make life extremely difficult on bots/RMT… what evidence or rationales makes you think otherwise?

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You do not read and write english as well as you think you do. I cannot possibly debate this with you for that reason.

No its not, why would you think so? What proof do you have that your stupid system is working?

Yes, there is no debate to stupid suggestion in the 1st place, the question right now would be, what kind of neckbeard would suggest if bots would benefited the most?

Bots would have have to complete chains of story quests to unlock different caps on the amount of silver they can use to purchase market items.

Because quests are hard for bots but not for humans, it would be good for players and very hard on bots…

Edit: @ridleyco it’s a great opportunity to keep this thread highly visible.

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Can you clarify something for me?

On that licence system proposal thread, are you suggesting to remove the market caps on items and replace it with restriction on how much silver you can move per week? I might be missing something.

I’m not sure i like this.

The way it is now, It will take some time to get everything to have caps, but i dont see the problem with that. Also im sure IMC can tweak how it works so there aren’t items that usually sell for 100k, selling for 2mil.

As for the other thread, I dont see how they wont be able to make their bots do the quests. They are more advanced then they used to be. I remember in eso bots were doing quests.

If im missing something important lmk, there was quite a bit to read.


You did. My system would check what dungeons/mercenary missions were completed, and to really move amounts of silver adequate to RMT, they’d need to be 100+ on their bot accounts and 200+ on their sales accounts, with nearly all available dungeons/missions completed at least once.

You can make the argument, yeah, you can bot anything if u believe in yourself and code like teh wizard of internet, but this would be a massive pain for the RMTer and the bans would really, really sting when they landed.

They don’t sting at all, now.

That would in turn be hard for developers to ban them as the transaction would be going back to 1 by 1 again. Right now theyre getting filtered out on the market. Botters can clear those quest again and continue to botting, they dont stop them. You want to free the trading again in exchange for this quest? Thats why this suggestion is trash.

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Read the proposal post more carefully. What you are suggesting is not true and you would not be making the argument you are making if you read and understood the proposal…

The way the market works is based on supply and demand. With enough time there will be no overpriced item because everyone would be competing to sell lower.

The way IMC defined is actually what you worry about. Rarely sold items will have some ridiculous price (if you check market there are people who sell materials for 300k a pop) and if you want to sell lower, you can’t, because of the set limit.

If bot can clear quests (lol really? even I wanna use that bot), you can just make daily license and give them out with random questing. Good luck with that bot.

Now instead of trash talking, maybe you can think and contribute to the idea.

It’s the truth youre just in denial. Also im not suggesting, you guys are suggesting not me. The suggestion is trash as my point clearly stood out against your ideas.

You have no points, you are just like a Dota dude going 0-5 and then spamming “noob noob” to your team mate