Tree of Savior Forum

Why do wizards feel so pidgeon holed

I just don’t get it looking entirely at pve end game content i.e that would currently be 240+ imo

wizard feels like a class that essentially you go elementalist or break. you have dozens of options that are all subpar to just bombing aoe’s…

I really do hope IMC does something to give a purpose to the other classes.

alchemists are designed to make cash in a system that doesn everything to prevent them from functioning.

pyro’s were designed around playing the game alone…and I don’t just mean solo I mean nobody else can be in the game for them to actually function since everybody actively goes out of there way to stop there dps and kill steal them.

sorcerors are designed around a really cool mechanic and then get there sp destroyed because of it, and still don’t match up to a well built elementalist in a party.

chronomancer has some ok buffes that due to lag really don’t follow through in a lot of cases…doesn’t matter how fast you can walk at 2fps in a boss fight, and it’s cool you can attack faster again doesn’t matter at 2 fps, it’s also another class that’s c3 or break as the best skills are at cap level.

it really just seems like the testers only focused on cryo and elementalist, or imc only paid attention to the feedback from them.

Some of us wizards are having a grand-ol’-time. #CryoMasterRace


ehh you can do cryo3 pyro3 and fck the elitists and enjoy the game still.

you have your own cc cryo, a very good sustaining dot from pyro. damage won’t be as high as wiz3 ele3 but you won’t struggle solo.

but yeah like you said[quote=“calisk3, post:1, topic:214179”]
it really just seems like the testers only focused on cryo and elementalist,

you still need cryo3 because linker isn’t enough sometimes

WizardC3 > PsychokinoC3 here, I eat multiple lv200+ elite mobs for breakfast…
And I know many Elementalists rerolled because they had difficulties soloing mobs lv200+
Classes that don’t offer as much dps does not mean they suck.

Wizard classes were built to have different way of being useful.
Mostly for their CCs and sometime buffs.

I generally hate seeing more than 2 pure dps in my team when dungeoning.
Mobs running around, scattered everywhere, no body can tank, and no heals.

To be honest, I don’t think pure dps can be useful without support.

You actually got it wrong, Wizard is consider a gimmick class, there is no perfect build that fit in every contents.

Wiz3>Elem3 is not a pure DPS either, I hv seen many bad Wiz3>Elem3 enough due to the cookie cutter builds.

  1. They don’t even use Sleep > This is the best Crowd Control imo, low CD and high duration, it should use to ease the job of tanker and it doesn’t even need cast time.
  2. They don’t have decent CON (10k HP +), Wizard should not be pure INT, they will aggro a lot with the high damage, they need to tank quite a bit as well even put a shield/rod on when there is no cleric.

Wiz3>Elem3 take important strategy role in dungeon, they will decide which spot to gather mobs.
Wizard/Elem also should be Tanker’s assistant, I usually stand firm in a spot right behind tanker “Go ahead, I’m backing you” and cast a Hail to indicate my team “This is the spot to gather.” and then cast Frost Cloud on it, but bad Wizard with low CON always run around to mess the mobs grouping.
Wizard even sometime need use magic missile to do aggro and earthquake to buy a break.
A good Tanker as well doesn’t just Swash Buckling and immediate guarding, they will move around to pull those magician/archer then only guard in right spot, wizard playing important to help this because they are some good CC abilities, but many bad wizard players don’t see the CC role in it even they are pure DPS build.

As much as I studied Wizard, there is no really bad Wizards build, it is all about utilize positioning and create a good build to minimize your weakness.
Even Pyromancer is great in Mission, they drop boss HP fast enough, and with good positioning your fireball will away from pushed away, even with linker you can fix the fireballs on the ground without being pushed.

Same with Sorcerer C1, if you position your Summon with facing the right angle, they can shoot pretty well.

Sleep actually has a cast time, that’s a charge meter, not a timer.

Linker is retarded strong.

Cryo cc is sickening.

Chrono is sick lategame supposedly.

The other ones i agree arent mandatory to a min maxer.

Sleep don’t have a cast time, that charge meter is for show.

If for any reason your sleep is not instant casting, that’s due to the lag.

Yeah it’s mostly because everyone suggests wiz3/ele3 for dps and chrono3 for support. unless you’re making a build of all c1s or classes with no synergy you should be fine. this game is still new and is undergoing changes. Bad skills now will most likely be buffed in the future, and buggy skills fixed.