Tree of Savior Forum

Why can't we give silver to our alts?

What’s the reason? To lengthen the total amount of time we have to grind? This is the only thing that bugs me about trading in this game.

Because. Since we cant trade silver there are no gold sellers / bots on this game…

Real reason = because IMC didn’t think it through


You wouldn’t be trading the silver anyways. It would be going through your team storage. You can’t trade with your alts.

Yea many of the kobt players argued we should be allowed to team storage silver or have all our characters share silver when we realized we would likely have a system similar to Ktos. But alas we got the same system as them.

Man, every thread you’re bashing the restrictions acting like they don’t help at all, when you know it does make it more difficult for them.

I’m starting to think your a silver seller trying to get it changed so its easier for you.

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Yea it makes it slightly more difficult but barely, it requires simple work arounds. As i explained all this system really does is increase their overhead margin.

Im just in favor of a system that would punish sellers and be less intrusive to players experience.

Take a read of this thread

Get a second account and launder it through the AH.

Wait… I just realized… those silver-seller spammers… how are they delivering their silver if they can’t trade it?

i have explained this a few places but basically you put items on the market at their max value till you have enough to = the amount of silver your buying and then they purchase your items. There is a screen shot of a gold seller site in one of the other threads that details the process.

Oh those sneaky b…s

They’ll always find a way, it doesn’t matter what IMC tries to do. But at this point it’s punishing all players, and there’s no reason for it.


KAPPA :open_mouth:

So Lenny wanna buy some gold? :wink:

what you’re saying is stupid, in any other mmorpg you don’t get any of these absurd restrictions. yeah, no botters at all, no goldsellers at all, imc failed 100% can’t say otherwise, they need to overhaul this system asap, fix prices as well

You cant comprehend how it makes it more difficult to RMT?

Things take time. The game was just released and botters/gold sellers are hard to deal with.

Thats not to say it couldnt be better.

Bump. I never got a real answer.

There is no reason. It’s a poorly thought out, poorly executed system.

[PSA] - Keeping people from transferring silver to their team members is very stupid:

If u got ur token activated, u can easily pass ton of gold to ur Alt by putting Talts to ur team storage(take only 1 slot) and yes u can usually find Talts at 5K gold in Market (i dunno why ppl sell at 5K price…)

mats can be traded once only dude…

That’s the whole point: there’s always a workaround they will find, and in the process so many restrictions are hurting the playerbase.

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