Tree of Savior Forum

Why bother Leveling up Meteor?

+1 sec longer cast time and +250 damage for every skill level (Edited 350 to 250)

can someone explain why we should level up meteor?

isn’t the 350 flat damage negligible at higher levels?

UPDATE: Throughout forums there are too many conflicting views, myths, made-up numbers, wishy-washy thinking, wishful thinking, old meteor info, and whatnot…so I went and tested myself. Below are my results.

Magic Attack: 505-515 (Tried to get as close to 500 as possible)
Casting Meteor with Quick Cast x 10 and record average damage

L1 Damage: 8216
L2 Damage: 9710
L3 Damage: 11210
L4 Damage: 12710
L5 Damage: 14304

L6 Damage: 15704
L7 Damage: 17198
L8 Damage: 18698
L9 Damage: 20198
10 Damage: 21692

Note: roughly 1500 damage difference per level

L1 Damage: 9038
L2 Damage: 10681
L3 Damage: 12331
L4 Damage: 13981
L5 Damage: 15734

L6 Damage: 17274
L7 Damage: 18918
L8 Damage: 20568
L9 Damage: 22218
10 Damage: 23862

Note: roughly 1650 per level, which is basically 10% of zero attribute data

From data above, this is how Meteor damage is calculated (step by step)

  1. (Spell Base damage + Your Magic Attack) x 4 = Modified Attack
  2. Modified Attack - Your Magic Attack = Meteor Damage
  3. Meteor Damage x 0.5 = QC Add-On
  4. Meteor Damage + QC Add-On = Quick Cast Meteor Damage
  5. Quick Cast Meteor Damage x (Level of Attribute/100) = New Damage
  6. New Damage + Quick Cast Meteor Damage = FINAL DAMAGE

Note: If monster is FIRE, the FINAL DAMAGE is reduced by HALF. Size of monster affects damage but very little. You do +250 more damage to medium, and +500 more to small, and 0 bonus damage large, and -250 to boss. AKA SIZE is neglibable.

Note: Meteor L10 and Attribute L100caps at +3,000 damage per level = you get +30k Flat damage. The other “half” of your damage comes from Magic Attack.

Example: At 2000 Matk nets you about 28k damage. So add max meteor and attribute you get 28k + 30k = 58k

it’s 350*4 = 1.4k damage per level.

Combined with attribute and quick cast, it’s 4.2k per level.

Edit: It’s actually 250*4 = 1k damage per level.

1.5k damage with quick cast.


are you sure about that math? I mean, the skills shows the damage% from final damage so I’d assume the flat damage is also from final damage, I’m not sure and can’t confirm it though.

It is negligible. Meteor stays relevant for rank 6 and pvp. However, you get a wider aoe radius no?

It only hits a select amount of targets so even with that, meteor being a single hit skill it can only scale so far before skill damage takes a backseat in terms of total damage output.

Yes, I’m pretty sure. The 350 is definitely multiplied.

I played Wiz 3 Ele 3 during icbt2 and now, and I reconfirmed it multiple times.

Even without attribute, it’s 2.1k per level with quick cast. Pretty considerable for burst attack.

I level it up for the AoE radius mostly.

Below are my opinions and why

Q. Is Meteor worth invest in?

A2. Yes, because even at Zero Attribute you are doing 1500 damage per sec of channeling. Your Auto attack does around 500-600 damage. Even with animation canceling, you can only output around 10~11 autos in 10s which is roughly 5k damage. While Meteor with Quick Cast you only need to channel 0.5 sec to surpass this damage (see above for results) and each sec you channel is an additional 3000 damage.

A2. At 2000 Matk and 100% attribute, Meteor hits for a staggering 57k in 5secs.

Q. Is Meteor practical to use?

A. Yes, the confusion most people are having is that they have to stand and channel for such a long time that its not useful. That is wrong, you can cancel your Meteor right before the monsters touch you and cast a lower level meteor and output way more damage than any spell in your arsenal. In a party, channeling for 5s seems like a long wind-up but it is not. If you are a good player, use your brain to position yourself in a way to channel it. Just remember if you channeled for more only 0.5s than its already worth it.

Q. Meteor useful in PvP?

No one cares about PvP. It’s the most unbalanced form of PVP in any MMO. Wait a year or so till IMC balances it. With that said, obliviously a high level Meteor is best used as a follow-up One-Hit KO to a CC’d target (s)

Combined with Quick Cast you get 1500 damage per level.

You need 2000 Base magic attack + 100% attributes to get 3k per level.

so for 4.2k per level…not possible now and even more impossible during closed beta due L200 restriction and L170s weapons.

(350*4)*1.5 = 2100 damage with quick cast.

If its not 2100 it maybe due to meteor’s damage is not 350 per level.


Meteor damage is increased by 250 per level.

So 25041.5 = 1.5k damage as you said.

3k damage with attribute.

I did my calculation before based on the 350 damage that’s why its wrong.

Do note that your matk has no relation with the increase in meteor damage per level.

Meteor is actually useful when you need a burst damage for whatever purpose (last hit, damage ranking, prevent healing in pvp).