Tree of Savior Forum

Why are people going SPR?

Aside from summoners, I see lots of people going SPR in the wizard tree, stuff like Linker, Thaum and even FF. What’s the reason behind it ?

Well the build
Is a Farm build.
If you kill whatever you farming already.
SPR give you some SP/SP regain reducing the silver cost of mana pot.

Thauma buffs and pyro buff work like Cleric Blessing now, they receive bonus from both INT and SPR in the same ratio, you receive your matt mainly from weapons and these buffs, also, some builds will have more SP consumption than others, so having high SPR is a plus to these builds since they have more pool to cast and at the same time have high SP recovery.

so is there a “maximum” spr stat that we can use to maximize damage, instead of putting points into INT? in fact, what is the formula for SPR’s that effects Thauma/Pyro buffs

I believe Int becomes less necessary the better geared you are, while more important if you are not killing things easily in HGs even with a JP+Hangman Kundela Slash combo

so you are suggesting that having 200 spr is better than having 200 int for a thauma?

No. I haven’t even tested a SPR Thauma build yet.

The buffs scales the same until C3 where Swell Brain only scales off of SPR.
This makes the SPR build better (at c3) for Buffing the magic damage dealers as a whole.
But the INT still has slightly higher magic attack for itself.

value = 45 + ([Skill Level] - 1)×10 + ([Skill Level]/5) × (([Character INT] + [Character SPR])×0.6)^0.9
if [Swell Right Arm: Enhance] not null and 1 == [Swell Right Arm: Enhance ActiveState]
value = value × (1 + ([Swell Right Arm: Enhance Level] × 0.01))
return RoundDown(value)

^^is the formula for swell left/right
value = 60 + ([Skill Level] - 1) × 10 + ([Skill Level]/3) × ([Character SPR] × 0.7)^0.9
if [Swell Brain: Enhance] not null
value = value × (1 + [Swell Brain: Enhance Level] × 0.01)
return RoundDown(value)

^^ for swell brain

In short, full SPR will not be as strong because the formula calculates both SPR and INT within the same parenthesis before they get multiplied
additional spr in swell brain is extremely negligible as you need about 240ish for 100 magic attack.
Int alone gives magic attack so imo its not worth it. maybe have like 20-50 spr would be best for sp purposes.

but does your own SPR help with bless hits? if so then maybe considering full spr could be better

"This makes the SPR builb better (at c3) for Buffing the magic damage dealers as a whole

If you’re just going to think about yourself then yes the INT gives more overall.

If you think about what your team composition might be. You may benefit the party more as a whole. For instance in a 3 Magi comp where you are third third magic damage dealer. THe other two damage dealers may have more damage output then you (not odd given you have 3 ranks of a support class), but you have decided to prioritize giving yourself a small advantage over maximizing there’s.

This isn’t cut and dry. The Discrepancy between the two is minor but a C3 Thauma will boost the magic damage dealers further in the party, and SPR reduces the financial burden of SP potions which can lead to greater profits in the long run.

this is one reason why some wiz 2 link 2 thaum 2 ff2 builds have high spr. While going full int will give you about 1000 magic attack at level 330, running full spr will give you 11k sp and 1k+spr regen. High spr FF2 will use left and right arm to get back some Magic attack and still be effective.

for thaum, the full spr build will have the same gains from left and right arm as a full int build but full int will have higher MA than full spr at the end of the day. So it depends on what you want more.
I run 50 spr on my FF and I think it saves a few sp pots but granted, SPR is still not really needed if say you run a cryo kino and want to burst down things or are a elemem that wants dps because then you just run full int.

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I don’t understand why Thaumas don’t go CON anymore.

I’ve got my Thauma on full CON and just transpose if I need the extra matk and before buffing with Swell Arm skills.
Then I can just cancel the buff Transpose to get my CON&health back and still have my increased block rate/HP recovery rate.
Of course I have some minor amount of SPR,too (around 50) but it’s not as effective as Thauma skills are very cheap in their SP costs and Wizards usually don’t have so many skills to spam anyway.

Left and right arm were given good scaling with int and spr. If you want to help the team out more, then use right and left arm with good damage boost because if it isnt then you are just wasting party buff slots unless you have daino. It depends on your intent really.

But even after this patch, is con that important? I dont think mobs hit as hard as they did prepach, we no longer get raped in 2 seconds by packs of magic mobs

Full con gives you survivability but does not let you help the party as a thauma. The only wiz build that i think full con is okay on is chrono builds because your survivability means the team’s extra dps from pass.

How much spr (final value counting equips also) would be enough to avoid using sp pots in a Wiz2-Linker2-Thauma2-FF2 farm build?

But that’s the point I just stated: You go Full CON, use transpose to change it into INT and then you use the Swell Arm skills for the maximum boost. Since the Swell Arm skills snapshot your stats at the time you use them, you are free to cancel transpose afterwards to go back to full CON.

Having high CON has several benefits: you have a higher block rate, you have higher max HP, you regenerate more HP by consuming potions, you regenerate more HP when getting healed, you have a higher HP regeneration rate (useful in combination with Aukuras or Squire buff food) and you have possible synergy with Runecasters Rune of Giants attribute which grants additional HP based on your CON when transforming (300 CON grant 18k additional HP).

Meanwhile, full INT has no benefits aside from more matk, so I don’t see any reason to go INT on Thaumaturge anymore except if you really want to save the 2 skillpoints from Transpose for e.g. Swell Body.

As a mostly full int thauma, I prefer this way because you still need to cast the swell buffs often, and I don’t want to cast transpose each time I want to supply buffs, just to cancel it afterwards. (The cooldown of transpose will make it impossible to cast each time before buffs if you are not thauma3)

Whenever my HP gets too low, I just use transpose and drink a potion or sit down a bit, I get pretty much most of the benefits of high con this way until I recover enough HP to my usual value (28k), cancel transpose and continue farming.

transpose also uses a buff spot which you will have to get rid of your other buffs

^ Any remotely serious Thauma not carrying Daino scrolls is a jackass anyways