Why waste so many channels on these empty starting areas? On the other hand in higher level zones we have to fight for quest spawns with bots or grinders…
Edit: finally…
Why waste so many channels on these empty starting areas? On the other hand in higher level zones we have to fight for quest spawns with bots or grinders…
Edit: finally…
New channels are created automatically based on the amount of players on the map.
Low level areas were flooded with players when they opened the game up for us so there were many channels being created.
While high level areas barely have many players at once, so there are only very few channels.
You see it like that right now because there is barely any player at that level now, but when the EA started you could see 70% of these channels at least yellow with 3 circles.
Now imagine that when F2P stage hit at the end of this month?
While their plan was probably to create channels automatically that’s not how the game currently works. They setup the number of channels manually/statically.
We entered a whole bunch of end game grinding areas before anyone else got there and they have 3/2 channels while others have 1 channel. There’s no reason for there to be more than 1 channel if it was an automatic system.
Some of the other places like tenet would also have more channels over the past few days as everyone was going through them if it was a dynamic system.
Just noticed:
We reduced the number of channels in lower level maps while increasing them in higher level maps.
Yeah shows they’re not dynamic. Good move by IMC though at this point.
I think they may be testing a dynamic CH number but didn’t implement it yet due to some issues, can’t be sure tho, but i agree with you that a dynamic ch numbering would be really good.
It’s not just higher zones. If you go to like “Soldiers Graveyard” (Or whatever it’s called). Find two channels and quite a few bots running around with golden weapons with a two minute spawnrate on mobs.
Good-luck trying to farm two-hander equipment there (pretty much the only place to get best level 40 weapon drops and weapon recipe drops for 2-hander). I’ve kinda given up on trying to find my own equipment at this point.
I don’t think this week’s maintenance they changed it much. For example, tenet gardens, one of the more crowded areas still only has 6 channels.