Tree of Savior Forum

Who is your favourite ToS Waifu?

Pelasta Waifu best waifu

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Sorry dibs, already taken.

I’d go for Blacksmith. He’ll be always there for me when I grind. :heart: I always come back to him. Hihi.


This person that I partied with a lot! (Found you Reader!)

Laima the Goddess is pretty good too.

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That Wizard streamer Apostle. A perfect disciple of fun and truth.

My waifus are real people ;O

Gesti by far.
Not hatefull, just want to make happen and see the end of the world. I love that kind of Chaotic “Rival” or , since we are the Choosen (the Revelation ? Don’t know if I understood correctly what I read).
Her battle OST (not her “personnal”) is so damn good.

Ugh, this thread…
This is why we can’t have nice things…

.>in a weeb game, complaining about weeb things


you are obviously way too serious about things in general.
People having fun > Your random issues with stuff that doesn’t even concern you.
put that anger to good use elsewhere, the world gets much tougher than this forum, and if this is how you react to everything that bothers you; you’re going to have a heart attack

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You’re still playing a weeb game man. Also way to suck the fun out of things, very little people take “waifus” seriously, go be butthurt somewhere else.

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You are though. You came out the gate making halfbaked assumptions on someones character based on a harmless thread, “waifu” is more of a meme than anything serious but here you are droning away because people are enjoying things you don’t. You come off as incredibly high strong and pretentious.

I wasn’t aware there was a difference.
Man, guess I better cancel the honeymoon.


A lot of the characters are charming in their own way,they give me affection erections in my heart… x:

I guess for now I’d say The Goddess of Death,Gesti,and the Alchemy master :heart_eyes:

Oh, and yes. We are our own waifus


Question for the curious, if you marry two of your own characters, would that be incest or narcissism? I ask this question without derision and only curiosity. “Selfcest” doesn’t count because it isn’t in the Oxford or Mirriam-Webster Dictionary.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Most people with “waifu” characters think those girls are different. So neither.
Unless they think their waifus are imoutos (little sisters) or some other family member (cousins etc.), then yes, incest.
Unless they think their waifus are their female self, then yes, narcissism I guess? But I get a feeling it’s somehow different.

You don’t need an official dictionary to acknowledge the existence of slang words. If they’re widely recognized, feel free to use those terms.

Edit: Since you’re sticking with Oxford/MW Dictionaries, incest involves having sexual relations between super closely-related people. Since they can’t fug their waifus, then nothing’s incest.

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How nice to know, albeit a little unsettling, but still nice to know. I half-expected “right/left hand” crude jokes that doesn’t answer anything seriously, but thank you for answering my question with a grain of salt.

It’s a little confusing still but perhaps a self-marriage has its benefits? Well at least the partners have definitely 100% in common.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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