Tree of Savior Forum

Which Necro build is better?

Wiz 3 - Link 2 - Necro 2


Wiz 3 - Link 2 - Necro - Featherfoot


Wiz 3 - Link 1 - Sorc - Necro - Warlock

The 1st build is cookie cutter necro build, but I don’t think the 2nd circle is worth it, since necro 1 already has all the good stuff

2nd build is my 1st choice, since it would give me more skills to do damage with and has good synergy

3rd build I’m iffy about, but I heard it can do TONNNNNS of damage due to it all being dark damage and it has some multipliers

Which one would be the best?

i think the best dps out of 3 is build 3 cause warlock > featherfoot , both work well with linker.
about necro 2 , yea it isnt really worth but you can still go for it if you want a mini army , stronger flesh cannon , and we still havent known anything about necro 3 yet , 10 skeletons ( they are useless in boss fight now but they have more hp by lving skill if ktos patch come ) and maybe a new summon ?

but will link 1 be enough?

from what i heard linker 1 is enough as linker 2 only add 3 more link while miss out a lot of dps from rank 5 class , and you can even get a jp gem to add 1 more link .
linker 2 is still good for a support build

what about going Wiz 3 - Link 1 - Sorc 1 - Necro2 instead of warlock?

sorc 1 alone is bad because of the summon AI (from what i heard ), and you cant go sorc 1 necro 2 unless rank 8 come , also necro 2 is not really good right now as i mentioned xD , but we dont know about necro 3

That build is certainly viable. Going sorc 1 for the cat buff and constant dps from summoning. Necro for the flesh cannon / hoop damage. Certainly works well but a bit costly due to the need constant of sp potion and corpse potion. SP problem can be minimized by bonfire though. Cat buff + bonfire regens sp very quickly.

but which would be able to do more damage, necro 2 or warlock? warlock could increase sorc damage and its damage by 10%, and has dark theurge and pole of agony which would help me boss more, while necro 2 has stronger flesh hoop and flesh cannon but the rest of the skills are mediocre, like raise dead

I’m personally going with Build 3.

Wiz3 provides future-proof scaling with Quick Cast, and Surespell for Flesh Cannon/future cast time spells. Magic Missiles synergize with JP/HK as well, and the combo is effective even against 80k+ hp monsters.

Linker1 is more than enough, with a JP monster gem you can get 6 links, whereas lvl 10 and 11 JP are both at 8 links.

Sorc1 provides DPS during your spell cooldowns thanks to Summoning (Templeshooter), Servant buffs provide AOE ratio for Flesh Cannon, and additional dark property attack for all your spells.

Necro1 has the 16-hit powerhouse in Flesh Cannon, which would have a total of 10 AOE atk ratio with servant buffs, and gets its cast time reduced/damage buffed by quick cast. Flesh Cannon is probably the 2nd best Mage AOE in the game after Frost Cloud IMO. Shoggoth is basically a slightly better Salamion since he lasts forever, is a decent tank and has slight bit of AOE similar to Templeshooter. Flesh Hoop is a ok-ish spell as well. You also get access to Decay debuff to help double your archer friend’s DPS.

Warlock has the infamous Pole of Agony crazy ground deploy AOE every 2mins, Dark Theurge is basically super Flesh Hoop with 25 hits at lvl 5 (and synergizes well with JP/HK due to each hit being single target), and Invocation, which can REALLY go out of hand when AOEing down a large group of enemies, while also providing a damage buff to dark spells.

I’m leveling pretty slowly so I doubt I’ll be reaching R7 anytime soon…in the event that R8 is released, and Necro3 somehow becomes insanely strong (maybe getting Flesh Cannon #2 or even something similar to Frost Cloud etc), then I might drop Warlock in favor of that. If all else fails (aka if Necro3/Warlock2 both end up being disappointing/terrible), I could always take Sorc2 at R8 to complete the Sorc toolset.


Wizard 3 - Linker - Sorcerer - Necromancer 2, check other videos from this guy channel.

Sorc1 is a crap, waste of rank. Drain same amount mana as sorc3, but sorc3 summon hits a lot harder and can use skills (templeshooter - aoe burst dmg every 20s).

Is not worth to take sorc1. Sorc2 or 3 is only good choice.

Even cat buff is not worth to waste rank spot.

The video above begs to differ. Also, there is LITERALLY nothing else to take that would fit in the build? Pyro1? Ele1? Cryo1? Ew. Linker 2? Eh, 3 links over some more damage isn’t worth the tradeoff. Sorc is the ONLY thing that provides damage while my main damage skills from Necro, and some from Warlock are on cooldown. It also has synergy with Warlock due to the 10% dark damage attribute buff, which should increase the damage of Templeshooter. Level 5 summoning is good enough for me, and I’m not petty enough to care about any AI.

Hey! I need some help with this too ._.

Currently am wiz3>link1 soon i’ll reach rank 5 and can’t decide what to do.
I AM going for necro 2, and necro3 whenever avaiable, that aside, can’t decide rank5.

It would seem best choice is SOR , but I don’t have templeshooter card.

So I’d like to know: Is sor 1 “summoning” better than “summon salamion”? Even without templeshooter?

I guess I should go 5 familiar , 5 servant and 5 summoning, but want to make sure.

I hope familiars + summon adds some dps between flesh cannons , specially since all I have is magic missile.

Thanks for any help.

summoning better than salamion x1000 times
use necroventer card until you buy/find templeshooter

I c, thanks :smiley:

build #1 seems more solid for incoming ranks, go for it.

How about thauma 1 insted of link 1? I dont have gem and one of my friends is a linker. Since without link 2 you would not get spiritual chain, is thauma usefull to this build?

Another kinda of buffs to party, being able to build straght full INT (and still be tank when needed), seems to be more helpfull in pvp and pve (in my case that another linker plays with me). About solo i’m not a baby, so a little more effort into a brighter future is nice. What do you guys think?

Go link even without spiritual chain and fire ball or get one rank of thauma?

(Build 3 aimed)

I don’t see the point in Thauma1 over Linker1. Spiritual Chain isn’t even that great either, so I’m not sure why that is a point to be honest.

Without Linker1 you lose AOE burst potential with Magic Missiles / Flesh Cannon / Flesh Hoop / Dark Theurge. JP+HK also helps set up mobs into Pole of Agony. JP helps a lot with getting your Templeshooter to AOE mobs that are scattered about as well.

JP is on a 22 seconds cooldown, your linker friend is not going to be able to provide links 24/7. More links is never a bad thing.

On the flip side, what do you actually get from Thauma1?

Transpose with full INT is terrible in PVP because you need a cleric to heal you back up before at the start of the match, and in PVE you generally want some CON + high INT so that you can actually do good damage while staying alive, transposing into full con is pretty meaningless in that context.

Swell Left Arm with attributes gets you 218 matk, which is pretty sweet, but gets progressively worse when the level cap raises and people start getting higher level gear, seeing that there is no scaling available. Its also pointless if you ever get a Thauma2/3 in the same party since you can’t stack the buffs.

Swell/Shrink body are pretty gimmicky skills, so I’m not too sure how I’m supposed to rate them.

Funnily enough, I would say going Thauma without going into C2 is pointless since you lose out on Reversi, which is several times more useful than Spiritual Link, AND you lose out on Swell Right Arm as well.

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Wiz3 > link2 > Necro here. Going Featherfoot.

I chose linker2 because with other wizard of mine, who is linker1, my joint penalty broke very easily, so I wanted more targets and more hits in joint penalty before breaking. That, and I don’t like sorcerer. I prefer 3 more targets to my flesh skills than the cat, and the constant sp consumption of summoning is annoying (and being ofensive featherfoot is sp heavy). But again, that’s personal opinion.

Both builds 2 and 3 are viable. Build 1 is meh, like you said, rank1 necro offers all the good sutff, unless you really want bone tower, skeletons and sightly more powerful flesh skills.