Tree of Savior Forum

Which is a better summoner, a necromancer or a Sorcerer?

Hey guys, I know this topic may seem similar to other topics but I wanted the answer for my question to be clear , because I saw the necromancer’s summon and saw the Sorcerer’s summon.

After that I became confused about my build. This is my build, it may not be going for AOE attacks/DPS but that’s what I am going for.

my build:
my other build :

currently In the game, I am rank 4 phsycokino c2. After you see my build plz want some help to choose the best summoner.

On another matter, I need a bit of help to know how to use the monster cards thingy, do not know anything about it.

thanks in advance.

Just a couple of tips, don’t take any rank of elementalist if you don’t have wiz3 or at least wiz2 in your build, all the elementalist skills have casting time and usingt them without surespell/quick cast is going to be an hassle and a problem in most cases.

As for psychokino, 2 of its skills are channeling, which means that if anything attack you while you use them the skill will stop and go on cooldown, you seem pretty new and since you’re making many obvious (for anyone that play the game from a bit) mistakes I suggest following a “proven” build

check this document for a pletora of nice build that work (made by guys that actually play the builds listed and not theorycrafted)

edit: regarding necro/sorcerer, sorcerer summons 1 powerful boss of your choice while necromancer summons 1 big slob + a pletora of skeletons and other stuff (which compared to the boss from sorc are far weaker and die easily)

actually kinos now have attributes called focus that lets them cast skills even if they are hit.

But I agree with you there. pyro 1 into kino 2 into elementalist 2 into something else is super weird.

I’m doing a wiz3-thaum1-sorc2-necro3 build with a lv 10 TS summon ( which is super cheap) and it’s been working great , super fun as well, I control a huge horde of minions , only downside is doing quests and having to summon my army every new map.

Those attributes are only available as Kino 3, though.

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Oh yeah I wanted to mention kino’s attributes at the third circle but I forgot, thanks for pointing it out!

Thanks for replying , i understand what you mean but every build i have seen for a nice aoe / dps wasn’t that great , no offense, so i wanted to make one of mine but couldn’t do it efficiently so i asked my previous question.

but now i have another , and i saw the builds that you linked , i got some nice info from it;
which is better for my build to work as an aoe/dps this:

or this:

which is better?

thanks in advance and sorry for long writing.

Let me just tell you this: Prominience and Fireball are not that much. I’ve both classes and tested both skills and they are not that great, specially as the games goes on.

Psychic Pressure is what has been stated: you need either wiz2 for Surespell for it to work or Kino3 for attribute Focus. Telekinesis is a fun skill but it’s for PvP. Heavy Gravity is an amazing skill, you should get it.

Summon Familiar: you go for level 10+ or don’t. No in between. Summon Servent is a must. It is really good
Just wait for all the buffs before you go.

I too was a pyromanic and like fire-related spells. But playing this game for 2 years has made me disappointed the way it is played off. By no means I wan’t to tell you what you must do and not to do. You can try and make it all work. The big problem is how hard will it be to pull that off. I’ve been there. This is all an advice from a person who wanted a custom build by myself just to take longer and harder to progress through the game.

I’ve kind of re-made those skills tree a bit. If you want to check it and compare.

Summon Minion:
There is more room for skill points for your taste. There is also no need to invest points in Hold or Attack Ground. Altough Attack Ground can be of use for strategically, speacially for solo. Both Necro and Summo have "Summon: Cancel/Attack and Release automatic invested.

Aoe Dps:

Howerver, feel free to disgard all of this. But I enforce you to read the doc @MrFioz has sent. It is really good and begginer friendly.

@ OP : ohh i am really feel sorry to you. the build itself is not really have many viable advancement choice… if you insist on keeping pyromancer and psykino, the best possibility is :

here is my advice (i have tested so many wizard build)

W1 > Pyro1 > Kino3 >> Sorc2 >> R8~R9 is up to you.

but, for R8 to become powerfull you can pick between sage2 or shadowmancer2

~ if you are going to PvP get the shadowmancer… powerfull single damage, some CC and escape skill…
the drawback is the lack of AoE and the advancement quest is REALLY FRUSTATING

~ if you going casual PvE, SAGE IS GOOD… viable AoE and damage… some shop to use, and anti range shield

well, you can choose the other build… but you will have the hard time to clear PvE content