Tree of Savior Forum

Which build? Warlock or Necro

  • Cryo3-Sorc2-Necro3
  • Cryo3-Sorc2-WL3
  • Cryo3-Sorc2-Necro2-WL1
  • Cryo3-Sorc2-Necro1-WL2

Edit: maybe pyro3 instead of cryo3?

Leaning towards the last two but I need some insights on Necro and WL. Which one has better aoe? Single target(bossing)? Survivability? Solo? Maybe with R10 in mind for Necro2-WL2.

Also, I heard skeletons are squishy especially against hard hitting mobs like bosses. Are necro summons too weak/squishy late game to be any use?

Necro summons are squishy, you must resummon often. Sorc2-necro3 is the pure summoner build. In the future, skeletons and other will get 8 AoE attack ratio. They will be strong at AoE.

Warlock2 is stronger vs bosses (mastema attribute). Necro summons are bad vs boss AoE and AoE CC. Warlock3 demon claw is casting, so you will need wizard2 surespell.


Actually Demon Scratch is very fast casting and your summons also take some aggro so you will 9/10 times be able to cast it just fine without Surespell. In the Archer room in 300 dungeon, for example, even with a bunch of aggro I could cast just fine.

I’d give Cryo3>Sorc2>Warlock3 a try if you haven’t yet. Invocation and Mastema are insanely strong.

And I personally wouldn’t mix necro and warlock; only go 3 on either one (warlock 1 isnt too great, and 3 is where you get the super strong demon scratch).

Necro 3 will do good damage and not require as much investment as Warlock because summons scale with SPR and Warlock will rely only on your weapon if you go full SPR.

Necro is less squishy in solo setting since more summons take the aggro away from you. Needs resummoning the skellies a lot though.