Tree of Savior Forum

Which build is better? Elem3 or Thau3?

Hello fellow players. I would like to get your opinion on these 2 build please. I would appreciate it if there would be a little explanation. Thanks in advance.

Wiz3 > Elem3 > Sorc1 > Necro3

Wiz3 > Thau3 > Sorc1 > Necro3


Thau3 will be stronger for your party

You sure? You troller.

Do you think that can get me invited or not kicked out of raid/dungeon/etc? I’ve always wanted to run raids or Velcoffer Nest, but seems like nobody wants a Summoner/Necromancer.

I would accept for velco raid if you are with the new raid accessories set, +16 Primus/Masinios/Velcoffer high transed staff. Else they are just baggage cos summon/skeleton died and knockback easily.

That hurts. :cry: I guess I can only do raids for now. Any requirement for raids when it comes to equipment?

New raid ain’t that hard for me. Prolly with just healer and strong dps, the rest can go any. Go with guild or friend, they won’t care.

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I’ll try to join a random party. Got no guild and also friends I regularly chat/party with. Thank you for being frank with your answers.

If you’re serious with this toon, there is a new necklace thingie that boosts your summons. I forgot what or whether it’s been implemented. You might want to check it out.

Assuming you focus on skellies and towers, SPR will be your main stat. Int if you dabble in Cannon-type spells. Good luck. “Hippie” builds such as yours are rare. People just want to fit in. Doesn’t help that the game forces them to do that. :man_shrugging:

Another edit geez:
Thau with crazy high spr will be invaluable for your team and might be the only thing that they recognize. Necro is there for giggles.

Hi Randy. Yes, I am serious with this character. My Necromancer is my main. My build at the moment is pure SPR and I’d like to make my summons stronger. I’ve seen the bracelet you’re talking about, but I don’t have enough silver to buy those. I am only earning silver by means of running Lv330 Instanced Dungeon. I also run Saalus Convent but I’m still using the shards to transcend my items. I am planning to get the whole accessory set but as of now, transcending is my priority. I’m not sure if that’s the wisest thing to do for now. You’re also right about being rare. I usually don’t follow builds that are very common. Even though sometimes people tell me I’ve got a foolish build, I’ve realized that what’s important is I’m having fun playing the character. I am asking for an advice bcoz somehow I also want to be accepted in raids and dungeon runs.

You’re on the right track, Mage.

Just go with this one mantra: farm more.

And like I don’t think your build is underpowered. If we’re simply talking about stat scaling, thau and necro just click together. You already bring something to the table with just thaumaturge. Wait until you’re geared and summons won’t become dead weight anymore.

If you want a taste of Velcof raid, it is true that guilds are helpful. Velcof is our current end-game PVE-wise. The thing is tricky without extreme investment. That’s why random strangers just want to team up with classes that work.


If I could advise, Wiz 3 Thaum 1 Sorc 3 Necro 3 for your second Necromage looks great once you have the necklace. It’s got all the min-maxing ability from pure summon build.

As of now, I’ve chosen to go with Wiz3 > Elem3 > Sorc1 > Necro3 build. I’m enjoying it pretty much bcoz I don’t just depend on my summon to kill mob but my character can deal damage too with Elementalist skills. If I have the complete set, I’d go with Sorc3 build you mentioned. I’ve got my own guild, just me in it though. If people offered me, I’d gladly break guild and join them.

Soon Sorcerer get C3 attribute 30% damage boost on summon. You might want to stick to C3 unless they give reset.

Thaum3 will get into parties even with low investment because it at least brings support. The other circles are less relevant because your party will see you as a buff mule. Granted, you won’t be as strong as the meta wiz support build, but parties will still take/tolerate you because you got buffs.

Play whichever is most fun to you if it is to be your main though. In a guild/with friends, nobody will really care what build you play.