Tree of Savior Forum

Where's the Rune Caster NPC?

I honestly tried looking for a similar topic in the forum but can’t seem to find any, so I’m really not sure if it’s just me and my friends facing this problem, or is there others who share the same predicament.

So anyway, I’ve collected all the runes for the hidden class quest and combined them to get the Rune Stone of the First Master. Went to Goddess’ Ancient Garden and lo’ behold; the NPC isn’t there.

Asked my friend to check if he could see the NPC from his map just in case, and he said that he can’t see the NPC either.

Has anyone faced this problem before? Is there some story quest that I’d need to go through in order for her to appear (like Goddess Saule and Ahylas Jonas)? I kinda abandoned my story quests for awhile at level 100 onwards, but I’m not too sure if they’re related.

I’ve already sent a ticket on this, but wondered if anyone else can shed some light here…

P/S: I’m in Telsiai server

If you followed this guide step by step and it doesn’t show up, then there definitely is a bug. I didn’t have any trouble when I did that quest many months ago.

All I can say is to check if you spoke to all the NPCs mentioned in the link.

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Apparently you followed the guide, since you have the rune of the first master. I suppose your client isn’t “frozen” either (happened to me once, NPC wasn’t showing simply because the client wasn’t responding and I had to kill the process and relaunch), so either it’s a bug, or there’s another condition related to your level or class level. I did this quest merely days ago (Fedimian server) with a rank 7 character around level 250. The NPC was there.

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I did follow them all, but the NPC doesn’t show up for me :confused:

Yeah I don’t think my client isn’t “frozen” cause I could move around freely. Only thing is that the NPC isn’t there at all. I guess I’m going to attempt completing some story quests and see if there is a pre-requisite condition required before I could see this NPC