Tree of Savior Forum

"Where to farm X boss card" list

Thanks to @Tk_Magnus for the original sheet.
Please help me fill the location of every available boss location, thank you :slight_smile:


Denoptic card can be gained from Denoptic in Saalus: Royal Maussoleion mission.
Shnayim card,too (is dropped by Achat).

Afaik Abomination is located in Guards Graveyard, but may have ceased to be/moved (as I’ve last encountered him there in April last year).

Velorchard is also in the Saalus Canyon mission (got his card twice there already).

Molich card can be obtained from level 290 dungeon cube if I remember correctly.
Btw, Rafene (in Saalus Lake Mission and level 260 dungeon) drops Riteris card.

Correct me if I’m wrong, might have mixed something up with the last two statements xD

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lets continue in this thread New Card Effects + Drop List

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