Tree of Savior Forum

Where to allocate remaining Warlock Skill Points


I currently have a Wiz3-Ele3-Warlock build and already at Class Level 15. Invested 5 Skill Points to Pole of Agony and 5 points to Dark Theurge. Currently happy with those 2 skills. Now, I need your inputs on where to invest the remaining 5 points with consideration to the upcoming C2 Skills of Warlock 2 (yes, i’m going Warlock to maintain the pattern of 3circles per class. lol).

I have no idea on where to put them or if I should just save em for C2 and pretty much dont know how the other 3 Warlock C1 skills work. I can buy Skill Reset if needed. Hoping to get some good feedback.

Thanks in advance.

For now you can just put the rest of the points on Invocation, but the ideal R7 Warlock build is said to be this:

For Warlock C2, seems like it will be this: (assuming they fix drain)

You can also leave Invocation and DT at Lv.9 if you don’t want to rely on Divine Might. They benefit a lot when they go on odd-numbered levels, not so much on even numbers.

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Well… I’m no warlock but Warlock 2 seem a bit more oriented on is evil spirit soo maybe Invocation ? (I don’t see anything about it on Skill simulator but i head they got a hit limit kinda like fireball and it increase with each 2 lv ?)
Also hear Mastema was great with the new attribut …
Anyway seem there might be some choice to do but Invocation worth at least 1 lv (Make farming lower lv zone way faster.)

Edit* Someone reply before me and it seem good ( Last time I saw a drain video it was awfull XD but well it was also bugged)

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I’m in the same situation as you, I started to max Pole because DAMAGE but turns out the cooldown makes it not that useful. I’m going to put all the points into Invocation because I want 100% uptime at warlock2.

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I’ll go 1 POA 10DT 10 Mastema 8 Invocation 1 sabath in warlock 2 :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for this.

Also, how does Evil Sacrifice work? All summoned spirits, right? So all Spirits from my Dark Theurge will be shot like some Bolt-type skill to the enemy? How about the hit count & damage for each spirit,still the same with Dark Theurge? Is it like some Ranged mode for Dark Theurge?

Thanks. After your feedbacks, I think I’m leaning towards this too. How about Drain?

And is Mastema worthwhile now with C2 attribute?

Kinda disappointed with PoA cooldown too. I can live with the small AoE it has but the cooldown makes it for Boss-use-only.

Yes, including your allies’ and enemies’ spirits

Yes. They will fly towards the location you targeted. However, spirits tend to explode prematurely if they’ve already taken damage.

Hit count is dependent on the level of Dark Theurge and Invocation; I’m guessing damage is as well.

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I’m 260 atm and almost at job 11, so here is my build and my plan at job 15:

Pole of Agony - 1 (long cooldown, small aoe, not that great)
Dark Theurge - 5 (godlike skill pls)
Invocation - 5 (more spirit time and more dmg ticks)
Evil Sacrifice - 1
Mastema - 2 (just enough for attribute, I don’t think it scales that well)

For warlock 2, I would get DK 10, Invocation 8, but not sure about drain, shabbath and pole of agony.

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Dark Theurge 10 (obvious reasons, if you are not going C3 for sure leave it at level 9 for the same number of hits)

Invocation 9 (number of hits apparently scales on odd numbers for this one too, IF I need to really make a better use of my Warlock points at C3, I’ll drop it to level 7 for 100% uptime with +5 secs attribute at C2)

Evil Sacrifice 1 (not needed if you don’t PvP, can remove people’s DT, I do use it at PvE but it’s just mostly bugged)

Pole of Agony 1 (Enough to get attributes and 2 overheat use with level 1 PoA scrolls)

Mastema 1~9 (We still know little about Mastema but I’ve seen a video where a guy does 8~9k per tick of Mastema’s DoT so I guess those DoTs have the same scaling as Mastema but with lower Base Damage only, need to see if more points in it also makes the DoT stronger to decide it throughly, the attribute seems to be from Warlock C2, not Mastema level 2)

Drain 0~5 (if it gets fixed, most likely 5 with intentions of taking it to level 8~10 for 100% uptime, lowering DT’s CD seems pretty useful, also would give a good use for Invocation Spirits since ES and Sabbath are sh*t)

Sabbath 0 (doesn’t matter how it works to be honest, 5 seconds duration on 40+ CD is too little)

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i was thinking the same way. i think ill be resetting once R8 arrives and am at around Class 10. Going PoA 1, DT 10, Invo 8 (100% uptime), Evil Sac 1… with Mastema, i will have to wait for feedback once its implemented here on iToS.

thanks for the info on sabbath being crap. at least i have one less new skill to worry about. currently trying out Invocation since ill be resetting, might as well try it out. its only at level 4 though so a few seconds down time. but so far so good with waves of mobs like grynas and maven tower def. cant wait to have 100% uptime for it.

and yeah, saw that Mastema video. IMHO, damage is already good considering the AoE range. with Enhance Attri, i think it’ll go along way. at least another decent skill to hit flying mobs. also saw its not a ground skill anymore. it moves with the caster. not sure though, could be a bug?. any confirmation on this?

dont understand how Drain works though. how does it work? lol


You can put 1 point into sabbath if it gets useful but that would be it, more points for base damage but no longer duration are not worth it. Invocation is pretty good on low-HP mobs, the problem is it doesn’t do much against multiple elite mobs.

yeah, Mastema turned into a pretty good spell. I have no idea if it hits flying mobs as I haven’t tested it at all on fights, got it at level 1 waiting for R8. Mastema works as FG/FC though, blue circle ground effect with “long” range, only the DoTs lasts and deal damage.

About Drain:

It should work like this (or at least close to it): You absorb 1~10 spirits around you (level 1~10, apparently absorbs both DT and Invo). Those spirits are added to your auto-attacks, not sure if hit by hit or spirit by spirit (spirit by spirit would be MUCH more efficient though).

It has 100% uptime on level 10, reduces DT CD by 0,7 seconds with each spirit you absorb (not sure if you can absorb a new spirit after spending a currently absorbed one, but this could turn out to be pretty good)

I think it also does something else like reducing it’s own cooldown per spirit absorbed too but I don’t fully remember it.

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if Mastema hits flying mobs, i think it’ll be worth it then to compliment the lack of anti-bird skills from the Ele circle

as for Drain, DPS-wise, it doesnt deal that much damage, right? its only worth it for the DT CD reduction.

I have a question about warlock skills if you guys dont mind answering.

I have read that frost cloud uses up JP’s hit cap even when mobs are unaffected/ not receiving damage. Since I’m planning either a wiz3 link 3 wl 2 or wiz 3 link 2 necro wl2, I was wondering if any of warlocks skills act similarly to frost cloud+ JP?

Also, do spirits explode in a small aoe around them or are they purely single target?

AFAIK, JP was changed to be able to only count the hits shared. As in, if you had 2 linked monsters inside Frost Cloud (32 hits) and 6 outside:

Way Before: JP would count 64 hits, but the linked monsters only take 32 hits.

Just Recently: JP would count 64 hits, all the linked monsters will take 64 hits.

After Fix: JP would count 32 hits, and the linked monsters also take 32 hits.

Pole of Agony should work similar to Frost Cloud, except that PoA has such a small AoE that JP is really useful for it and that it can hit flying targets.

I’m not sure how PoA’s DOT attribute works with JP. It should share the damage but I’m unsure whether it gets multiplied for each person affected by the debuff.

Spirits are purely single target. You can hit multiple targets with one spirit but they’d be splitting the hit count

Mastema doesn’t hit flying mobs.

if so, i wont be getting it then. better off using frost cloud. better invest the points to PoA for anti-bird purposes.