Tree of Savior Forum

Where is the dungeon 80?

Hello everyone, recently I came back to tos and I’m trying to get beetleback recipe and I didn’t the dungeon in klaiped, so what happened?

:hugs: come with me please…

:mask: I, uhmm!.. need to tell you something, please sit :wheelchair:

the dungeon you are looking for is… gone :pensive:

and so are many other…

But good news, if you are looking for the recipe and live in the klaipeda server I might have one around…

There have been a few dungeon reorganizations, the level 80 dungeon no longer exists, but the Beetleback Shield recipe can be obtained from the level 50 dungeon.

Since you’re returning and may not be aware, the shield is not as useful as it was in the past and may not be worth the time to get.