Tree of Savior Forum

Where is Scorpio?

So I want to make a Rokas Lether Armor and need a Scorpio Hook. It has been some time since I’ve been searching for it so I feel like either I passed the map in which the boss Scorpio is or I killed it and it didn’t drop the Hook. Do anyone know the map or even the quest that Scorpio appears?

Scorpio Hook will drop from a boss monster, the quest is located at Akmens Ridge’ NPC Archaeologist Dezic. Most of the time this NPC is located near the TP statue on Akmens ridge but sometimes he’s not there (I think it’s a bug). He will ask you to free his assistant and kill the scorpion and so on… Keep on checking him near the teleport statue.

Yeah I don’t know if I didn’t see him or if he wasn’t there, Anyways, now I found him and did the quests. Thank you very much!