Tree of Savior Forum

Where do you guys find those gifs?

Aww, the CBT is over.
I think I might quit ToS when the LBT comes out. Well, maybe not quit, but play a lot less.
ToS has too much problems and too little cute clothing. :broken_heart:

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[quote=ā€œYandere, post:1179, topic:143855ā€]
ToS has too much problems and too little cute clothing. :broken_heart:

I get thatā€¦ my current plan is to get to 220 (or whenever the quests stop) and then just keep an eye on the forums/updates to see if theyā€™re fixing the issues.


i see what you say, i also want more content and fixed,

look korea has these costumes so maybe you can come back later.

Korea Customes

i like the swordman trump costume, it look like saber lily, not exactly her but close enough

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None of those costumes really catches my interest. The Wizard 3 is kind of cute I guess.


I like the archerā€™s trump costume (F) and wizard 3 (F), but I feel like Iā€™m looking for something different.

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A ā€œbeginnerā€ pack for 30$?
Still no way to purchase just TP?
Selling Dungeon Reset Scrolls?!
I donā€™t know if I can take this anymoreā€¦


I hear ya. I imagine $30 is the price they set because Valve likely takes a 30% cut from each one sold, but I donā€™t like the idea of dungeon reset scrolls being sold.

I believe that free to play games should only sell cosmetic items for cash; otherwise, selling things that directly affect gameplay can impose a strong sense of restriction to your average player. They should just mass produce costumes, headgear, hairstyles, etc and sell them in the cash shop. I imagine that would likely make them more money overall.


i want to buy tp, i play on Klaipeda but im from outside USA so i cantā€¦ nice one IMC, i think they dont like money.


Iā€™m inclined to believe they canā€™t make much of a profit that way, otherwise weā€™d see almost all F2P games follow this format with their cash shop. So far those that Iā€™ve found that sell only cosmetic items in their cash shop close down rather quickly.

Iā€™m not even having fun playing this game anymoreā€¦ Itā€™s time to stop torturing myself.
ā€¦Iā€™m quitting the game. :sob:
Iā€™ll still be checking the forums every now and then, so until thenā€¦

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While it is probably not a fair comparison for me to make due to the companies involved, and the difference in server structures and costs, I suppose I was thinking about this from a Path of Exile and/or League of Legends perspective. In the former, the costs of armor effects and costumes are quite high, but they still sell incredibly well. While in the latter example, weā€™re just talking about character skins (which are Riotā€™s major source of income, not counting advertising from e-sport events and merchandise).

By increasing the costume variety and overall selection, I imagine they would increase their profits significantly (once they make TP more available, that is). However, Iā€™m biased in my assertions due to my own personal tastesā€“as I am only interested in purchasing cosmetics from the cash shop. You could potentially be right, however; we just donā€™t have access to such information at this time.

Perhaps my point is that: by taking such an approach that I mentioned above, a game becomes much more enjoyable by allowing players to make purchases based on stylistic choices rather than encouraging/coercing them to make purchases in an attempt to offset restrictions. Honestly, Iā€™d be completely fine with pay to play if it removed restrictions entirely. Games are supposed to be liberating, not restrictive, and a gameā€™s purpose is lost if it imposes restrictions in order to boost profits. There are many other ways of boosting profits than sacrificing the quality of a product.

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[quote=ā€œTakemi, post:1192, topic:143855ā€]
as I am only interested in purchasing cosmetics from the cash shop
[/quote]Me too. I could have bought and sold a lot of tokens, but I donā€™t roll that way.


Iā€™ll miss you.

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Iā€™m not often social, even on the internetā€¦
So I wonā€™t forget you and the people Iā€™ve been talking to regularly anytime soon. :gift_heart:


If you ever want to see some shitpost, Iā€™ll be here. Well, untill Herowarz has a shitpost off-topic section on their forums. Take care.


Be sure to come back and visit. Perhaps the problems will be fixed in time (we can only hope).


Itā€™s always sad when someone leaves something you loveā€¦
hope you get to come back when everything is fixed @Raiden121212