Tree of Savior Forum

Where do you guys find those gifs?

I won’t bite, unless you get close to my senpai.

I got that message over week ago.
Besides the picture of my sister-in-law that I’ve posted on the ToS picture thread all my posts are here or somewhere off-topic.


I hope they release a maid costume in the TP store.
Since you can wear the maid headband and the cat ears together, I want to be a cute Neko Maid.


you know, seen peaceful small creatures run for their life in fear as soon as I hit them doesn’t make me feel that heroic D:

then again…


I forgot you could do this.

I have a plan now :sparkles:


Welcome to ToS @DrRM !!

If you need help just ask Sis Senia… in Orsha. :stuck_out_tongue:

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right now am on klai building my male team, but I will eventually move to Orsha for my Female Team :3


Oh I mean… I’m in Klaipeda server, but my character who hold my forum name started in Orsha.

ah! nice, I still haven’t touched orsha…

right now, am the sexy black haired cryo in the crystal mines 3F




[quote=“DrRM, post:646, topic:143855, full:true”]

[/quote]What am I even looking at?

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A low level Nisepanda on it natural habitat beating up a hero…

do you know why the nisepanda has a long neck?_?..


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nope xD someone better read the senyuu manga…

though this time I recommend watching the anime and then continue where it end xD

and no spoilers from people that have watched senyuu ok xD

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So much anime to watch. So little time.

[quote=“Yandere, post:429, topic:143855”]
I have other animes in queue before it. I’m not going to give it special treatment just because there’s a cute vampire girl.
[/quote]I feel like a hypocrite now. I started watching Boku No Hero Academia because there’s a cute frog girl.


I’m kind of freaking out right now, I logged into osu! and all my beatmaps are gone. (Last I checked I had 28,000 or so)

I’m sort of dreading the thought of having to download all of them again.

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Shhh. Just calm down. It’ll be ok.

Are you calm yet?
Why aren’t you calm?!

On another note, anyone getting Dark Souls III next tuesday?
I’m quite hyped for it already…


I never played any of the Souls game. It’s not that I don’t like them.
No mons for them.

I think if I played them then I would like them since I’m a little masochistic.

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Aw, well if you get a chance, I definitely recommend all of them. (Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, and Bloodborne since it’s basically a souls game.) Except Demon Souls, but not because it’s not good, it’s because no one plays it… and online features play a large part in the game. (World/Character tendency)

And to change the subject again, I’ve fixed my beatmap problem.

All is again right with the world.

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Maybe one day.

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