Tree of Savior Forum

Where do you guys find those gifs?

I don’t get it.

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still waiting for the @Staff gifs :\

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Senpai not noticing you? I know that feeling.

Source for second gif?

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It’s from one of the Yozakura Quartet anime…

don’t ask me which one cause I cant remember xD

am more into the manga, though the anime versions of chapters are awesome too :3

Another anime to add to the eventually watch list.

I’m not a big manga reader, unless Doujinshi counts. The only manga that I’ve read are the Madoka Magica spin-offs and WataMote.

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I have way too many on my watch list… I really need to stop adding to it.

Also something more on the game, it seems clerics aren’t all that necessary. I got a party with four swordsman and one archer (Thanks auto-queue) and we cleared the level 90 dungeon with minimal casualties. (Two Cataphracts, one Hoplite, one Rodelero, and one Ranger)

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No, keep adding until there’s a years worth, watch it all and then have a mid-life crisis.

I’ve never done a dungeon yet. In fact, I haven’t joined a party yet. I’m too shy to play with others so I stay alone.


I have 0 anime on my to watch list, cause I have already watched them all xD

am just waiting for more seasons to appear…

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Alright, so Rodelero’s are awesome.
Got another party without a Cleric, me and another Rodelero could somewhat stunlock with Shield Shoving and Montano while the others dealt the damage.

Clerics are officially overrated.

missed days of post…

im finaly a bokor, now arise my legion

and party hard

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One must remember that “GIF” stands for Graphics Interchange Format. It is Graphics, not Jraphics (giraffics?)

Which is why I pronounce it as “GIF” regardless of what the creator calls it. He is entitled to his opinion, and I am entitled to defenestration said opinion.

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not a gif but whatever…

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I’ve decided to make a wizard as a variety.
Should I have some stats in SPR or end up gulping potions like this?

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D: The extreme amount of deja u is making me feel like am traveling back in time D:

wait… what if I did :cold_sweat:


I’m a warrior and chug potions left and right… Might be because of having to use lots of skills to kill enemies. (Rodelero doesn’t get much damage)
It’s not too bad but when you’re the only one to run out of SP in your party it feels a little like your holding them back. (Also potions get expensive.)

(Saw this gif a few weeks ago and thought it was hilarious, just sharing it. :stuck_out_tongue:)


Yes, you actually did. I sent this message back in time to confirm it for you :neutral_face:


That gif physically hurts me.


And that’s why I’ve saved it. It’s truly a masterpiece! :grinning: