Tree of Savior Forum

Where do you guys find those gifs?


Yep, that would be me.

Considering the time when I actually fell asleep during the 3 minute torch, it wasn’t too bad actually


Bunny Costume is nice. Though, I don’t really know if I have use for it right now, sorry.


All this talk about potions is making me want to level my Alchemist up.
Can’t though, since I need to level up my ThaumLinker to make money.


what anime is that i need to watch it



It’s alright, there is time for everything. Take things calmly.


I normally get the end of the morning, or the early afternoon, sometimes I get some time at night, but, it is not enough time to do something useful, maybe some runs on dungeons and missions at best (or quests).
Really hard to find something on these times too.

Yep, most likely.

(No idea for a gif)

(Though, the lack of an idea is and idea itself!)


Yeah…it can be tough depending on the time of day.

Recently I’ve had some people ask if I wanted to join two different guilds but they may be too hardcore for my schedule. (I really don’t want to be forced/asked to do gvg every day or w/e and get kicked out if I can’t be there to participate) I’d rather a more casual setting. Also the one seems to have tons of drama/accusations floating around the forums which doesn’t help my decision for them (I’m not playing this game for drama) and the other I really don’t know too much about but I see them around a lot.

So I’m not really sure what to do, but I think I’ll need to do something soon or at least start praying to the goddesses they better optimize this game faster, if ever, so a few of my friends would come back.

@Imouto One time I thought about lvling an alchemist for pots then dropped the idea in favor of my chronomancer. I never looked back.
I do want to make another wizard, but I’m not totally sure what I’d want to make… In the end I might just make another cleric.

I also wanted to lvl up a pardoner or squire too to set up a shop but I’ve become lazy. Although it might not be that bad…


Who needs friends when you have summons.

I had to make an Alchemist. The classes I pick eats up too much SP.
Bokor, Sorcerer, and now Druid.

I didn’t go with Squire or Pardoner because the money from those aren’t worth it in my opinion. Pardoner has scrolls though so I might make one in the future too.



Good luck on leveling.
Rance reminds me of Konosuba for some reason.

Is the webm working? If not, I need a better site that hosts webm.


Many things going on, hard to keep track of what I’m doing.



Yeah, maybe they won’t be able to handle the lewd.

Alchemist looks fun to be honest.
But, I did some decisions and decided to forget about many plans I had, so, I just left that out of question.


(I feel lazy to find the Bokor laugh audio I have somewhere…)

Not really able to find a gif to continue, so, there will be none…


@Imouto Funny you mention that because I’ve thought that awhile ago…

It’s working for me.

@Rob-Mar yeah~

Well it looks fun, maybe I’ll start one in the coming days and see where it goes from there.


I forgot which episode it was, but it was intense.
I think episode 3? The one where the tables were turned.

Ok cool.



I wish you good luck then, hope it is not hard for your to put a build together.


That sounds like a good sleep.

I never regretted going for Bokor, only when I added a random Krivis circle on my first character. But, that would depend if one likes it or not, I think.

(Lazy to find another gif)


It was. I was probably extra tired from waking up really early the past few days for no reason.

It will probably be fun to play especially since I think I like playing clerics the most. There’s no reason not to try different classes out.



Yep. That one.


I see. Then, that is good.

Oh? Right? Clerics are fun to play.

Though, I feel more used to other classes now. But still, there is a bit of an extra liking to Clerics.

I wonder why there is so few likes to use…


They will always be my favorite no matter what else I play.

I still have yet to make an archer that is more than level 8. I’ve only made one swordsman in beta that didn’t go very far either. I think I need to branch out sometime soon.

Yes… I need more likes. I thought maybe my likes per day were reduced ever since my account was muted, but I wasn’t sure if I was just liking stuff and forgetting. I should count, I’ll forget. Plus I’ve already liked numerous posts already today…

random gif


Yep~ I can always think of something fun to do with them.

Oh, Archers are a new ground for me. As well as swordies.

Hmmm… I remember reading the liking limit is 75 (from the times I liked some posts until it was over, the general count was that, I believe), I think it is a bit less for basic users, and, since we don’t have any other levels, I guess that is it.