When is the best time to use them? I’m level 25 and have a bunch of lvl 1 and lvl 2 cards.
Do they stop working at a certain point?
When is the best time to use them? I’m level 25 and have a bunch of lvl 1 and lvl 2 cards.
Do they stop working at a certain point?
That’s for kToS but it should work here too.
thanks. Can they be given to alts and used on them or are they only usable on the character that finds them?
They aren’t trade-able iirc; so I’m almost sure you can’t transfer them.
I just use them immediately. Quests don’t seem to give any experience, just those cards. So I treat it like any other MMO that gives you the EXP on turn-in.
the reason people save it is bc you get less exp from monsters if you are -/+5 levels from the monster you kill
a lot of the advice i’ve seen (and passed along) is to save the cards for when you need to boost yourself up for a new map. eg, if the next map you have to go into is 12 levels higher than you, spam enough cards to get within 5 levels of it, so you get full exp.
i burnt myself already, overspamming my exp cards, and now i’m like 12 levels above the stuff i’m trying to hunt. oops haha.
well i seem to always be underleveld, even when i do all the quests and use the xp cards
do you speak to all npc? bc sub quests doesnt appear in the map
edit: buy warp scroll and use this leveling guide (you can zoom it in)
only ones i havent done are the early level orsha quests, buz of how little xp they give
You essentially get double-cards now since you have two paths to follow since we have two starting locations now.
Untill those two paths converge you should just be burning your exp cards and leveling as fast as possible. If you save cards too long the lower level ones wont give you any meaningful exp. Its best to be overleveled and power through the quests with ease.
Once you start getting level 6 cards, then consider saving them and playing more conservatively.
better to be at-level (within +/- 5 levels of the map) than over-level. equally bad to be too far underlevel.
while later, it will only amount to a piddly amount of exp, it’s a -fixed- amount of piddly exp, whereas if you’re overlevel the monsters will give less exp.
being overleveled lets you rush through it faster. Unless you are a swordsman in which case you can just jump attack as you go and kill everything in easymode, but for anyone using a build that requires a little more effort to kill stuff early on, just rushing through the quests while overleveled and eating lots of level3 and 4 cards is the way to go.
Thats just how it is now. Back in icbt 2 it was smart to be more conservative with your cards early on, and to try and optimize the exp you got, but not now.
Eat cards and time your dungeon runs right, not wasting them by making sure you do the dungeon when you are going to get optimal exp from them is the way to get through the early levels best.
yea, but doing that is how we end up with the disparity between the “i’m 150 and i’ve never had to grind yet” group vs the “i’m 100 and there’s nothing to do BUT grind!” group.
the vast majority of your xp will come from hunting mobs, and none of the classes has a really difficult time doing it, so why deliberately gimp your primary xp source? why would methods for optimizing your exp gains stop being a good plan now, just because there’s more time available?
Don’t use them:
EXP-curve drops are visible in this graph:
so everytime after you finish the following levels: 16-46-86-136-186-236-…
Use them:
You either grind now, or you grind later,.
Monster exp doesn’t really scale with level.
What Senpai said.
Use them NOW while it still has some “USE” (help you get out of a 99.99% situation or lacking 1 Skill/Stat Point)
Couse latter you wont even get 1/100000 of your exp with those cards.
Actually, you’ll Still get more exp than killing quite a few enemies your level at 175+.
another way to look at it;
use them NOW when enemies give you 100% exp, and drag the exp/kill down…
or use them later when enemies give you almost nothing, and you desperately need to grind a couple of levels to get into exp range for the next map?
sure, at that point the lv1 and 2 cards will also give you basically nothing, but it’s more an issue for the higher level cards.