Tree of Savior Forum

What's up with the enhancement rates?

Last time I checked +6 had a guaranteed 88% chance of success and +7 was set at 78%?

Because I had all of my gear at +6 and I lost a over 20 combined potential to get it on +7, I expected some fails, but it was literally like tossing a coin. +6 succeeded, +7 failed, +6 succeeded. +7 failed, +6 failed, +6 succeeded, +7 failed, +6 succeeded, +7 succeeded and that was just the gloves. I’m using the legendary crafted leather set.

This is not a whine post, I’m just wondering if something changed and the success rate is now set at 51% across the board after +5?

Back in the day, wasn’t it 91% for +5->+6 and 81% for +6->+7?

But anyways I agree to that assumption that we got 51% across the board now.
I am not sure when it was changed though most likely around the enhancement changes or even before.

and that was just the gloves

Errr, enhancement rate on armours has always been 2 tiers below weapon. The success rate you stated is for weapon. Going from +5 to +6 on armours is the same as going from +7 to +8 on weapon.

They have raised safe zone for armors and accs from +3 to +5 but havent adjusted success deterioration rate, so armors and accs pretty much plunge right into 51% zone right after the safe one, hence the coin flip feel.


I was hoping to get the answer from here:

… but the info there is obsolete.

“The content above is subject to updates and modifications.”

HAHAHAHA… then update it rofl. It’s supposed to be an official guide for players…

Armours reached 51% when trying to go from +7 to +8. Weapons reached 51% when trying to go from +9 to +10. Just remember the ‘2 tiers below weapon’ and all you have to do is remember the weapon success table.

Anything that is not 100% chance is a coin flip in IMC’s code.

No idea what you’re trying to discuss, but since all other posts are already expressing doubts, I’m trying to be very concrete to prevent further confusions.

to be very concrete and prevent further confusions:

1 Like

Weapon Refine Chances:
Armor Refine Chances:

The only thing that has changed since the beginning of ToS was the change so that armor has a 100% success rate up until +5.

Yes, posting that is certainly more helpful than confusing stuffs like ‘plunge straight into 51%’ or ‘anything not 100% is coinflip’. Though, for people who can’t read or not familiar with the language, 1 thing that especially needs to be clarified is that ~=‘Shield’ means not equal to Shield.

Very useful indeed. So armor is 68% at +5, 59% at +6 and 51% starting from +7. Explains the “coin flip” feeling.

So basically the TLDR version - IMC raised the safe threshold to +5 but forgot to update the success rate tables, proving once again that basic logic does not apply to this game. Well crap. Cheers.

When you reach +8, all your success rates from there and beyond will always be something around 51%, this is how the enhancement code works. Reducing level penalty is what plays the “difficulty factor”.

There are some topics that created analysis on how you “feel” the enhancement system, and how it really works behind the scenes. You can check them at the first post here:

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