Tree of Savior Forum

What's up with pass-less chrono nowadays?

Well, it’s simple; people feel it is too much silver to keep spamming; same as why you don’t see full Con tanks provoking a ton of mobs and blocking all attacks so that their party can blast them all; it’s too much silver to be spending on doing that function due to constant repairing.

Doesn’t matter if it is worth it or not when a majority of people feel it’s too much cost.

Just my opinion, I think because the skill Pass is simply shortening the cooldown, something that can be achieved by simply waiting, so spending the money is not worth it. Cat buff on the other hand, even though it costs money (2000 silver too?), it gives you something extra, so the money doesn’t feel too bad. Hard to explain, but somehow using Pass just doesn’t feel nice…

What’s worth it on the Cat buff? I have sorcerer C1 on a couple of characters, and never saw the cat buff being worth the cost.

You don’t even need pass for ET nowadays.

I only expect pass in CM lv6 or 7 and 'coffee raids.

Anything lower and it really dosen’t even matter.

Aoe attack ratio +5, unlimited stamina, and very fast SP recovery (to the point you don’t need SP pots that much, if any at all)

Oh it makes SP recovery tick faster? And +5 AoE? <_> Geez I didn’t know it was THAT much, was it a recent change?

I find it ridiculous not to cast stuff just because you pay “2k”. I spam enchant fire scrolls during challenge, and they cost way more. I chug potions like a drunkard. Some world boss fights have costed me 200k in repairs/rebuffs/potions/scrolls… So what?

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Yea me neither. The best from it is actually SP regen XD

Edit: for shadowmancer btw. AoE is best for party

It’s always been that way.