Tree of Savior Forum

What's the debuff chance for Hell's Breath?

From the latest changes, does anyone know the exact chance?

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no clue but kinda dissapoiting its a chance instead of a always apply debuff the moment it hits. Kinda kills the whole debuff.


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Well a combo that would have worked wasa

  1. flame ground
  2. fire pillar
  3. fire balls
  4. fire wall
  5. hellbreath for until debuff applies, reapply fireballs then

that would give everything 50% more dmg increase. But now that its a chance, it will be wonky to even apply it. Dmg is going to be incredible random

pretty disappointing. why make it chance base from a skill
that drain sp too fast.

yeah given its a C3 skill… it has long cd and the sp drain is too much tho.
if they cant do better at least shorten fire pillar CD for the pyro to be relevant. in higher rank.

yea indeed, pyro3 seems useless right now. still. maybe it will get fixed in the future but highly doubt it.

I’m at work so can anyone test this out? How’s the buffs?

its decent but the fact your debuff comes from a channeling spell with long cd is a minus imo.

although I said that the buffs actually gave me one more option to dps
if I can’t pp+4 fireballs combo.

Not really, it’s about how you play it.

Are you using the STOP + Flame wall, Flame ground, Flame pillar combo?

Everything. Including the 4 fire balls and hell breath.

How often does it proc? No one has given me a number so far

I don’t know. The chance is quite low.

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Can’t be as low as the new sonic strike attribute. I used it on cooldown for about 10-15 minutes and not a single proc. Only time I saw it proc was once in Siau and it lasted 3 seconds. 3 SECONDS!

This attribute btw.

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That falc c2 love

Meanwhile hunter untouched

Hey, they received a Penguin.