Hey there everybody,
I’d like to know what exactly happens when you die.
Do you loose exp, money…maybe even items?
Thanks in advance
Hey there everybody,
I’d like to know what exactly happens when you die.
Do you loose exp, money…maybe even items?
Thanks in advance
you see a tunnel of light
OMG, i see the light O.O woahwoahwoah…
Gear durability loss and gems dropping from your inventory are what I know so far. I haven’t paid attention to my EXP bar so I don’t know if EXP loss is also a death penalty.
Thanks for letting me know.
Loosing gems sounds kinda harsh
if in log horizon, u lose some memories…mwahahaha
Usually it would be loss of exp’s but I hope the Death Penalty isn’t too severe for the players.
Do you revive back in town or in the same spot after death?
I’ve been thinking for a while and realized that you do lose EXP upon death along with everything else I just said. Otherwise, I have no explanation as to why my Pyromancer, who did die way too many times, is currently extremely underleveled. He died enough times to lose 9 levels…
Even more unfortunate news is that now I have to mindlessly grind all those levels back all by myself.
I wish I had read this thread before dying… Now all the gems I was saving up had disappeared.
I failed to listen to the little voice in my head telling me to deposit valuables in storage…
I just died n da game told me 2 press “f” to revive or something like that but when I pressed “f” it did not do any thing .is it cuz I changed da keybinds