Tree of Savior Forum

What's the cost of 1 Token in the English Version?

I know that the Korean Server Token Cost is 198TP but i don’t think it will be the same for the eng version since TP are 10$, so a token would cost around 20$, isn’t that too much?

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Maybe if it was untradeable. But since you can sell it to others, no, I don’t think it’s too much.

I hope that it costs less than a WOW suspriction (15$) because two reasons:
1.-You are paying for a “premium suscription” of a already free game that you have to share with free-players.
2.-You are paying for things (like trade or repeteable dungeons) that i think they should be already in game.

I know IMC has to earn money from somewhere but that doesn’t mean we let them bleed us. Almost no one is going to pay 20$, it is too much money (i can buy a new game with that money).

Likely people ill sell these on auction, so regardless of price, if do get alot of silver, you could even get them without paying real money!

I heard they were sold for about 1m Silver each in KToS?
(please correct me because im likely wrong)

around 1.5m - 2m of silver in kTOS right now, (price will depends on server’s economy)

from my experience from iCBT2 you can’t afford that kind of silver until lv 100+ and silver is very important for training skill’s attribute , enhanced gear and those cost a lot of silver

so player who pay real money for tokens gonna go way ahead than free players because they don’t have to worry about farming silver for buying tokens

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What’s the bonus that it gives? The token i mean

Here’s a link, token benefits are on the left side of the image.

"Mission Entries"
Is there a limit to quests you can do too?!

Missions are dungeons. They are very short. Done through the mercenary office.

So if for some reasons we run out of silver and are lazy to grind, we can just buy tokens with TP/$$ and put it into the market for immediate silvers?

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