Tree of Savior Forum

Whats the better dps sorcerer?

Hey mates!

Im Planning on creating my first wizard and Want to play sorcerer… Im courious what could Be the better build for dps sorc?

Wiz3 link 1 sorc 2 warlock

Wiz pyro 2 link 1 sorc 2 warlock

Or is there a better dps build for a sorcerer?

Im thankful for any advice about my problem:D

Not a Sorc/WL here (yet), but I’ve been reading a lot about these builds. Will tell you what I learned.

For a DPS focused mage, right now, you should have wiz3 (specially because you want to have Warlock in your build) even though Sorc won’t get any benefits from Surespell or Quick Cast. But since you are aiming to build a DPS, wiz3 is (almost) a must have (unless they nerf QC in the future or give another burst/options for early classes).

Pyro received some buffs in ktos, but most of them will just shine on C3 (Fire Pillar and Hells Breath mainly), so I’m not sure if stay in Pyro 2 is that great.

When/If they improve Pyro skills and release the 8th rank (soon), I think these builds can be pretty neat:

  • Pyro 3 - Sorc3 - Wl
  • Pyro 3 - Sorc 2 - Wl2
  • Pyro 3 - Link 1 - Sorc 2 - Wl

But probably the best ones for future DPS would be:

  • Wiz3 - Link 1 - Sorc 2 - Wl2
  • Wiz 3 - Link 1 - Sorc 3 - Wl

Some utility/support dps would be:

  • Wiz 3 - Link 1 - Sorc 2 - FF 2 (Since they will fly and become a party healer in rank 8, but also having great debuffs and damage)
  • Cryo 1 - Link 2 - Sorc 2 - WL 2 / FF 2
  • Cryo 3 - Sorc 2 - WL2 / FF2

Stay in mind that the only really reliable DPS clases for Wizard are Elementalist and Warlock (currently), and Quick Cast from Wiz3 gives +50% Magic Damage in every spell (even in basic attacks). The new rank 8 clases are a Support mage and a Utility mage, which means WL2 will still be the best DPS option on rank 8.

P.s.: Some people likes KinoSorcs, never read much about them, so I won’t tell anything. Hope someone points this one.

wiz 3 link 1 sorc 2 warlock 1 is a build with a lot of potencial for high lv and future classes .

hey thanks for your quick and detailed posts! :slight_smile:

i dont want to play the boring wiz 3 ele 3, so if the wiz 3 link sorc 2 wl 2 buld is viable late game, i think i decided on a build though !


I really don’t buy sorc x warlock since invocations can’t be summoned by templeshooter when it kills something. And it will be very punishing in wl2 since you need more spirits to make more of the class

Sorc and Necro has great synergy because of the catbuffs (aoe atk ratio) and additional dark prop atk and can be very useful to necro’s flesh cannon which is a nice burst skill especially when buffed with QC

And not to mention you can build your own entire army of meatshields =))

the dark prop atk dont affect flesh cannon, just dark skills and normal atks, still good cause of the aoe.

what about the stats? full con wizz is very popular but isnt 50-100 con enough and the rest to int for more dmg?

I’m pretty sure elemental property attacks affect all skills regardless of element

Ive tested it , just affect skills of the same property …

Arde adds 300+ dmg to each hit of my Flesh Cannon. Explain that then? Lmao.

alright thanks for this!

im curious right now if wiz 3 is really a good option for sorcerer… cant decide on pyro 2 or wiz 3… any advice for me to eliminate my doubts? :smiley:

wiz 3 will let ur build ready to get any great DPS class in future ranks r7 +

Keep in mind at some point more dmg isn’t interesting anymore, control is.

btw whats the current price of a templeshooter card with 10 stars? and how can i get it since cards are untradeable?

It depend on server you play
the price of lvl1 templeshooter on my server [Varena] is around 15-30 talt ATM you can trade them through Card battle but it require both to trust each other cuz it scamable

level 10 Templeshooter price is very tricky around 60-100+ talt depend on seller
cuz you need 54 card to make lvl10 and card tend to be much rarer each passing day

if you plan on having one i reccomend you by ASAP the price SHOULD and will go up over time very fast, you could trade TS with some valuable recipe too and gold bar work also.

back on early day i bought TS just for 8 talt and i thought it was so expensive lol

54 cards for lvl 10? is the temple shooter card storagable? so can i put it in teamstorage?

You can transfer boss cards with Team Storage now.

np, i have so many alts, i already counted around 60 cards in total on my alts, so it would be smart to buy a cheap 1 star TS card right?

Yup, its safer in the sense that you won’t lose as much talts as you might with a 10* one if the seller decides to scam.