Tree of Savior Forum

What's the best for dropped stuff?

Hi Saviors! :nerd_face:

I am wondering about the dropped stuff.
I use to dismantle all the blue equipments and keep the purple/orange stuff for the market.
But when I try to sell it, no one is buying it even if I set a good price. :thinking:

Then I have two questions:

  • How do you know which one should be dismantle and sell?
  • What do you do wih the enhanced equipment as it can not be dismantled? (got so many +4 blue equipments that I don’t know what to do with it, no one is buying it on the market)

Thanks in advance for your help!
Wish you a nice game! :v:

the only rare gears worth is 430 primus dysnai, or maybe berthas with good stats for random gears
as for fixed stat gears are ignas,skia and so on gears.and some minority of old one depending on build.
the rest is either to be dismantle or you use it yourself

Dismantle all level400 and below equips that you get from MONSTER DROP

Items that drop in monster only

and sell nuclei for 450-500 silver each in Telsai server

P.S. don’t Identify all… its a waste of money

dismantle unique one, the rest go to gem/

Thanks so much for all your answers!! :grin:
I will follow your advices, now I see it way more clear! :ok_hand:

See you in game!