Tree of Savior Forum

What's after pyro

Hi guys,

As stated in the title, I am wondering what to go for after pyro. Currently am a pyro c2 and was thinking of going for linker to complement with the pyro’s fireball.

Do you guys have any suggestions as to what to go for after this?

My initial thought was to do pyro c2 > linker c1 > chrono c2 > then either warlock or to go onto chrono c3.

Any thoughts?

Pyro 3 Chrono 3 is much better, as of current.

That’s only for PvP though.

Either go chrono 3 or dont go chrono at all.
Linker and Pyro works really well together.

I’m making a Pyro3 Linker2 Featherfoot and like the synergy between the classes a lot. But be aware that this is a solo PVE build, so what sort of build we can recommend depends on what you want to do with it

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Featherfoot seems interesting to explore. That aside, if I were to go ahead with pyro c3, is there a need for hell’s breath? Or would the points be used to maximise the other c1 skills?

Skip warlock if you go pyro + chrono.

Something closer to what you’re imagining can be done with wiz3>linker1>chrono2>warlock2. However, exact info on warlock c2 skills is needed and I doubt it will be meta due to lack of specialization even then. Very strong solo game I imagine.

Pretty much as @elinhime said you miss out on a tier 1 support skill by not taking chrono3, so building around only c2 is tricky.

True that. I don’t think I can stand having to train 3 circles of each job though.

I have another question, I was researching around and the first guide that came across was this,
How viable is this?

Thats a very well-rounded build for pve.

My personal thoughts on the Pyro c3 skills:
Max Fireball and Firewall, this is a no brainer.

Now you have 15 points to deside what to do with, but there are no cookie cutter way to place them.

Flare sucks, skipp it. This is also a no brainer.

Flame ground is a good skill for when you are low lvl, but bad at high.
I have 4 points in this skill atm, but wish i only had put 1.

Enchant Fire is a nice skill, but there is no need to put more then 5 points into it. If you want to go for 1 (so you have it from time to time), 4 (so it’s maxed when you party a cleric 2) or 5 (100% uptime solo) is up to you.

Fire Pillar is nice, but has a really long CD. It gets bigger at lvl 5 and 10. So pick one of them.

Hell Breath eats up your sp fast and got a low chance for a really nice debuff. Go for 1 or 5.

Thanks for the break down! Seems like the build you recommended is the way to go, if not I may have to reroll my character.

Linker at least 2 or nothing.

Chrono 3 or nothing.


pyro + chrono + sage could potentially have ALOT of fire balls.

That’s pretty hot.

If we are teory crafting about the r8 builds, I really like the idea of pyro3 linker3 sage.

Make all the fireballs and then link all the monsters for a nice big fire.

I see what you did there…[quote=“Harumi, post:10, topic:316549, full:true”]
Linker at least 2 or nothing.

Chrono 3 or nothing.

I agree.

I was forced to have only lv 13 fire wall because I don’t have enough points for it.

Fire balls lv 15
Flame ground lv 1
Enchant fire lv 1 (for the debuff)
Fire pillar lv 10
Hell breath lv 5
Fire Wall lv 13

I’m a pyro 3 chrono 3, and It’s working well in TBL for me now (Top 20 for 2v2).

I wish that I have more points because flare is cool though.

Too bad the fire balls stop attacking your enemy and attack itself instead when there is more than 4 fireballs stacking.

What are you working towards after r8 is implemented?

Most probably sage.

Having multiple fireballs to decorate the battlefield (zoning) is pretty strong. Fire ball lv 15 is actually super strong in TBL as a land mine. Your enemy will avoid it, or receive crazy damage if they actually manned up and step on it.

I have only C1 of Linker and I think it is plenty.

With JP’s cooldown, it is just a plus, not your main job anyways.

My build is currently Pyro C2 > Linker C1 > Psy C1, and gonna get Necro C1 > Warlock C1. (Rank 8 may be Warlock C2, Psy C2 or Pyro C3 depending on how the game changes till then)

This is mainly a “cosplay” build, but still fairs well on PvE and TBL. :persevere:

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what u think better after pyro 3? linker 2 or wiz 3

I would go for Linker 2, it gives people a reason to want you in parties.

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Will fireballs in the Stop area be prevented from being knocked away by players?

No, unfortunately. Retarded swordie will still desperately hit away your fireballs hoping that they can deal more damage and become the MVP.